Combating Cyber Bullies

Tim O'Reilly, as influential in cyberspace as Bill O'Reilly is on the air waves, is fed up with Internet bullies, especially those that intimidate and threaten. What really got under O'Reilly's skin (Tim, not Bill) are the increasing number of death threats against bloggers. O'Reilly is so riled he's calling for a code of conduct for the blogosphere More

Posted by Doug Barney on April 02, 20070 comments

New VoIP Tool Tested

Office Communications Server 2007, a new package designed to integrate Voice over IP with traditional telephony, is in widespread beta in preparation for release this year (hence the 2007 product designation).

One neat trick lets users make phone calls from within Office. This sounds like one of those whiz-bang features that only a technophile would use. I can't imagine crafting the perfect @function and suddenly deciding to call and brag to my best girl. But that's just me.

Posted by Doug Barney on April 02, 20070 comments

Handling Orphanware and Buying From Startups

Ever buy a product for a critical function, only to have the vendor go out of business? What did you do? How did you support a tool with no vendor to back it?

And when buying from a startup, which may or may not make it, what special precautions do you take? Do you demand to see the balance sheet, get source in escrow or come in with a backup plan in case they go under?


Posted by Doug Barney on March 29, 20070 comments

Microsoft Invests in Its Own Mobile Browsing Technology

When Microsoft Research built technology that brings smoother video, better content organization and Web navigation to mobile devices, the company could have turned it into a Microsoft product, or perhaps added it to its Smartphone and other mobile OSes.

Instead, Microsoft decided to spin it off as a separate company, and then invest in it as a venture capitalist.


Posted by Doug Barney on March 29, 20070 comments

Microsoft Demonstrates its Own Mobile Browsing Technology

You might think I'm writing the same story twice, as Microsoft this week talked about new technology to improve the browsing capabilities of mobile devices. Instead of ZenZui, Microsoft was extolling the virtues of Deepfish , a technology that makes cell phone and PDA browsers look more like their larger PC or laptop brethren. More

Posted by Doug Barney on March 29, 20070 comments

Google vs. K-Fed

My standard search engine went from AltaVista to Google four years ago (I'm a late bloomer, I know).

That may have to change now that I've found . That's Kevin as in Kevin Federline. Do enough searches and I may win a T-shirt, an autographed picture or, the grand price, an autographed K-Fed CD!

Posted by Doug Barney on March 29, 20070 comments

Is Schmidt or Ballmer Running Redmond?

Google often seems like its strategy is driven by what Microsoft is doing (a mistake Novell and WordPerfect made years ago). Just as frequently Microsoft makes plans, products and pronouncements based on Google's latest plans, products and pronouncements.

Don't believe me? A week or so ago, Viacom sued YouTube (owned by Google) for copyright infringement. Faster than you can say "Ask a Ninja," Microsoft struck a deal with NBC and Fox to legitimately distribute video over MSN.


Posted by Doug Barney on March 28, 20070 comments

Visual Studio Gains a Teammate

Visual Studio Team System is an important development tool for Microsoft, partly because it truly offers deep collaboration, but also because it has a high-end price tag and presumably large profit margins.

But not all are willing to pay big bucks to access Team System, which is where devBiz, just acquired by Microsoft, fits in. This company, now part of Microsoft, offers Web access to many of Team System's collaboration features. This could improve your development project and save a few bucks in the process!


Posted by Doug Barney on March 28, 20070 comments

Say Goodbye to MOM, Hello to SCOM

MOM, Microsoft's way of watching over Windows networks and correcting them when they go wrong, is passing its apron over to the new boss -- System Center Operations Manager , one in a new line of forthcoming System Center management tools.

Microsoft, though, seems confused as to what to call this thing. Ordinarily, we'd just use the acronym -- Microsoft loves acronyms and even uses them to refer to beta software (CTP, RC) and licensing (SA, EA).


Posted by Doug Barney on March 28, 20070 comments

Feds Clamp Down on Vista

The U.S. Department of Transportation just says no to Vista . Actually, the agency is simply saying that users cannot upgrade existing machines to the new OS.

If I was smart enough to be in IT, I'd order the same thing.

Installing Vista on any computer that didn't come with it is a waste of time -- probably a lot of time. The way to move to Vista is to do so with new machines so you know it'll work out of the box.


Posted by Doug Barney on March 28, 20070 comments

Exchange Without Outlook?

I once tried to become a Microsoft licensing guru. I read a book by Scott Braden and a report by Directions on Microsoft .

Struggle as I might, I finally realized that becoming an expert meant total immersion in a complex, often arbitrary, artificial construct designed to prop up Microsoft's stock price (and how well is that working out?).


Posted by Doug Barney on March 28, 20070 comments

Microsoft Exec: Vista More Secure Than Microsoft Rivals

Microsoft employee Jeff Jones ran an analysis of Vista's first three months compared to the Mac and Linux, and found Vista has far fewer security flaws.

While a report from Microsoft about Microsoft security has the scent of bias, I have no evidence to contradict Mr. Jones. There hasn't been a large quantity of Vista vulnerabilities, and so far no show-stoppers.


Posted by Doug Barney on March 27, 20070 comments