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Is Schmidt or Ballmer Running Redmond?

Google often seems like its strategy is driven by what Microsoft is doing (a mistake Novell and WordPerfect made years ago). Just as frequently Microsoft makes plans, products and pronouncements based on Google's latest plans, products and pronouncements.

Don't believe me? A week or so ago, Viacom sued YouTube (owned by Google) for copyright infringement. Faster than you can say "Ask a Ninja," Microsoft struck a deal with NBC and Fox to legitimately distribute video over MSN.

At nearly the same time Microsoft put one of its rising stars, Satya Nadella, on the Google case. Nadella, who was driving the fast-growing Dynamics ERP business, is now in charge of Live Search and Microsoft's efforts to sell ad-subsidized software services.

Posted by Doug Barney on March 28, 2007
