Business Management

Partners on Health Care: Mixed Prognosis

For many channel partners, government action on health care is producing both anxiety and opportunity.

Marching Orders 2010

Are we continuing in a recession or coming out of one? No one can be sure. In our fourth annual Marching Orders feature, RCP's experts offer advice to put your company in good stead either way.

Cutting LARs to the Bone

For LARs, recent changes to the way Microsoft treats its reseller channel have really hurt.

Oracle PartnerNetwork Specialized Debuts

New program includes partner specializations, resources and a bigger emphasis on social media.

Get Market Development Funds While the Getting's Good

Since Windows 7 launched, Microsoft has resuscitated two well-received partner funding programs: The Big Easy and the HP/Microsoft Frontline Partnership.

Survey Says: Partners Matter to IT Pros

More than 2,300 customers responded to a Microsoft-sponsored survey identifying what solution provider characteristics matter most to them, and how and why they choose a partner.

Bringing a Little Personality to Sales

Selling based on your buyer's personality can help increase your sales volume and improve your velocity.

Microsoft, Partners Fumbling Toward Community

As part of the recent overhaul of its partner program, Microsoft made a big bet on leveraging existing social networks.

Partner Hosting Still Has a Future

Long the subject of benign neglect, the Services Provider License Agreement has been rejuvenated in the last year with significant program changes.

Will the BPOS Price Cuts Hurt Partners?

Some partners worry that Microsoft is undercutting the value proposition of Exchange, selling below cost to fend off Google.

Will the BPOS Price Cuts Hurt Partners?

Microsoft's decision to slash the price of Business Productivity Online Suite from $15 to $10 per month is not sitting well with some of its partners.

Ready, Set ... Wait and See

Services Ready is a good idea, but it won't work in the long run unless Microsoft gets over it's paralyzing paranoia.

SMB Partners Hedge Their Bets

Attendees at SMB Nation 2009 assert their independence from Microsoft amid slowly improving market conditions.

Managing the H1N1 Crisis

For partners, part of swine flu readiness is being able to provide best-in-class advice for customers.

Making the Most of BPOS

Chicago-based PointBridge sprinted out of the gate with the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite -- to the tune of $640,000 in revenues in one year. Co-founder Todd Golden tells RCP how PointBridge did it.