Reader Feedback: Internet Memories

Last week's post on the ultimate demise of Netscape got readers into a nostalgic mood. Since it's a slow-ish news day, let's jump right into your Internet memories:

First off, Mike from Finland writes again, this time to correct RCPU on an extremely important point. RCPU referred to pop legends ABBA as "four singing Swedes" -- when, in fact, one of the ladies in the group was actually Norwegian (and therefore probably should have had a place in another recent entry).


Posted by Lee Pender on January 10, 20080 comments

Tech Data Serves Up New Print Services

More news from a big distributor: Tech Data has inked (sorry, we couldn't resist) a deal with FMAudit to offer managed printing services.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 10, 20080 comments

Canadians Unleash 'World's Fastest Workstation'

Let's joke or McKenzie brothers joke? Ah, heck, we love Canada. We'll just give you the link so you can see what this workstation thing is all aboot, eh. (There's no cliché like a Canadian cliché.)

Posted by Lee Pender on January 09, 20080 comments

Microsoft Searches for Enterprise Advantage

Norway has always been a country of searchers: Edvard Munch searching in his expressionist art for some outlet for his anxiety, energy companies searching for oil in Norway's fossil-rich waters, Henrik Ibsen searching for hidden truth in the rigid morals of Victorian society... More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 09, 20080 comments

Apple Releases Fancy New Computers

Mac Pro and Xserve are big horses for enterprise-type stuff. They also have new Intel chips inside. See, Mac people, we do know that you're out there.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 09, 20081 comments

EMC, Buffalo Update Storage Lines

Just in case you needed somewhere to put something (like data), EMC has a new networked storage system for SMBs, and Buffalo Technology has a new storage offering More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 09, 20080 comments

Redmond: We Goofed on Office File-Format Blocker

Service Pack 3 for Office 2003 kind of messed some people up , and Microsoft is oh, so very sorry for the hassle.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 08, 20080 comments

Patch Tuesday Looking Light

The first Patch Tuesday of the year is looking like a cake walk . By the way, when's the last time somebody actually organized a cake walk?

Posted by Lee Pender on January 08, 20080 comments

Microsoft Loosening Licensing a Bit

If you caught the results of RCP the magazine's reader survey in our December issue, then you know that one of the few things partners don't like about working with Microsoft is Redmond's rarely simple, sometimes arcane licensing policies. In our survey, more than 60 percent of you said that Microsoft's licensing procedures make its products difficult to sell. More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 08, 20081 comments

Bill Gates Bows Out Quietly at CES

Funny tribute videos aside, Bill Gates, who's finally pretty much done as Microsoft's chairman, didn't really have a whole lot to say at this week's big, headline-grabbing trade show, CES. Of course, Gates' More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 08, 20080 comments

Microsoft Cashing In on Linux?

Some enterprising reporter pored over a bunch of numbers over the holidays and figured that Microsoft must be making a killing on its Novell SuSE Linux deal. In the spirit of the Internet, your somewhat less enterprising newsletter writer (hey, there's been lots of football on TV these last couple of weeks) is linking to the story More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 03, 20080 comments

RCPU 2008: Changes Coming

Welcome back! And welcome to 2008 -- an Olympic year, an election year (in the U.S., anyway), a year when there'll be a European Championship soccer tournament and a year in which you'll see a few new wrinkles in what we hope is your favorite e-mail newsletter, or at least your favorite newsletter written by a Texan working in an office on Route 9 in Framingham, Mass. (We're guessing that we've got that last category nailed.) More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 03, 20080 comments