Is the Channel Recession-Proof?

Well, using the words "recession-proof" might be stretching a point, but apparently the channel has already weathered a downturn in the services industry. RCP Editor in Chief Scott Bekker explains .

Posted by Lee Pender on February 07, 20080 comments

Vista SP1: Does Anybody Care?

You know the story: Microsoft says that Vista's raking in the dough, and lots of users still say that they don't like it and won't touch it. That pretty much sums up Vista's first year.

So, into that fractured atmosphere stumbles (or will stumble, in March, anyway) Vista Service Pack 1, the possible savior of -- or possibly irrelevant follow-up to -- the embattled operating system. Apparently, from a technical perspective, SP1 is no small deal; there will be some fairly serious changes, including a revised kernel. There might also be some sneaky fixes that Microsoft doesn't bother to document.


Posted by Lee Pender on February 07, 20084 comments

New VAR Program from 3K Computers

3K Computers is a computer manufacturer, not just 3,000 random computers that suddenly and shockingly got to together to start a VAR program. Anyway, read more here .

Posted by Lee Pender on February 07, 20080 comments

MediConnect Enhances Partner Program

You folks in health care might be interested in this .

Posted by Lee Pender on February 07, 20080 comments

More Microsoft-Yahoo News (And Some Other Stuff)

Let's not even pretend that there's going to be a bigger story this week (or maybe this year). Let's just get right to some links:

Microsoft's earnings per share would -- get this -- break even for the next couple of years if the Yahoo deal goes through.


Posted by Lee Pender on February 06, 20080 comments

Pillar Stands on New Storage System

This is one of those press releases that tried to make a new technology offering sound like a dramatic tale of love and deceit set during the Crimean War. If you can figure it out, let us know what it's about.

Seriously, dig this: "If data is the lifeblood of an organization, the applications are its heart."


Posted by Lee Pender on February 06, 20080 comments

ScriptLogic Adds to Help Desk Tools

We love how software vendors call their products "robust," as if they're describing a bold wine with a heady palate. Robust, but not arrogant...

Posted by Lee Pender on February 06, 20080 comments

Another Look at Microsoft and Yahoo

"I feel the earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down, tumbling down"

-- from "I Feel the Earth Move" by Carole King

We've had a little bit of both the last few days -- moving earth and tumbling sky. (And, yes, RCPU apologizes to our more macho readers for quoting an artist as...uh, sensitive as Carole King two days after the Super Bowl. Hey, we're feeling introspective.) First, the earth moved on Friday, as Microsoft (finally) proposed a $44.6 billion buyout of Yahoo. Hey, that much money in that many briefcases hitting a boardroom table would make anybody's floor shake.


Posted by Lee Pender on February 05, 20080 comments

Microsoft Moves into Open Source's Back Yard

Microsoft is opening a research center in Cambridge, Mass. -- better known as the People's Republic of Cambridge -- which will give Redmond a presence in the Free Software Foundation More

Posted by Lee Pender on February 05, 20080 comments

RTM for Windows Server 2008, Vista SP1

Some of the things that Microsoft has been promising for a while are coming to fruition. This week, Redmond released to manufacturing Windows Server 2008 (formerly "Longhorn") and the first Vista service pack.

Posted by Lee Pender on February 05, 20080 comments

SEC Could Help Partners

Call it a hat trick, as Bekker serves up a tidbit on how the Southeaster... uh, sorry, not that SEC...the Securities and Exchange Commission might be able to help you , partner.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 31, 20080 comments