The first book on Windows 2000 certification is out -- and, in spite of its early arrival, it does a decent job of sparking your preparation efforts.
- By James Carrion
- April 01, 2000
We listened to our customers, our service partners, the MCP community, and vendors. We're confident that this attention will pay off for everyone.
- By Adam Hecktman
- April 01, 2000
Use Windows 2000's default security to make sure no one gets in without your permission. First step: Understand what ships in the product.
- By Roberta Bragg
- March 01, 2000
Still pondering whether to buy Windows 2000? There are a billion reasons why you should not wait.
- By Em C. Pea
- March 01, 2000
ZDU offers online Windows 2000 training, along with plenty of other topics, but this reviewer still prefers that personal touch when he learns.
- By James Carrion
- March 01, 2000
No need to feel intimidated around the Registry. Here's a brief tour -- and your chance to modify the Registry safely.
- By Harry Brelsford
- March 01, 2000
Plugging the most well-known holes in your Windows NT network is surprisingly easy. The author takes you step by step through her favorites.
- By Roberta Bragg
- March 01, 2000
Windows 2000 provides new mechanisms for keeping track of users and groups. But the familiar rules for managing them still apply.
- By Michael Chacon
- March 01, 2000
- By Ethan Wilansky
- February 01, 2000
A solid understanding of NT 4.0 will help you understand Windows 2000. This book spells out a track of attack for you.
- By James Carrion
- February 01, 2000
With the advent of this Windows 2000 tool, there’s finally a concerted effort to get .DLL hell and similar problems under control.
- By Michael Chacon
- February 01, 2000
Preparing an SMS 2.0 installation requires people, training, data-gathering, design, and testing. Here's an approach to guide you through the entire effort.
- By Ethan Wilansky
- February 01, 2000
Configuration of Active Directory is the second step to a successful installation.
- By Harry Brelsford
- February 01, 2000
The changes coming to your MCSE title with Windows 2000 give you a good reason to evaluate your career plans.
- By Steve Crandall
- February 01, 2000
Microsoft set a lofty goal of creating a consistent interface to help you manage a variety of network tasks. MMC takes us partway there; here's what works— and which pieces still are missing.
- By Catherine Moya
- February 01, 2000