In-Depth Features

Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 Lineup: A Complete Guide to International Models

WEB EXCLUSIVE: While there are several Windows Phone 7 devices jockeying for position in the U.S. smartphone market, there are currently five that are also available internationally from LG, Samsung and HTC. Here's a breakdown of each.

Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 Lineup: A Complete Guide to U.S. Models

Microsoft has six horses in the U.S. smartphone race, from Samsung, HTC, LG and Dell. Here's a detailed roundup of all the devices Microsoft hopes will carry its Windows Phone 7 platform past the competition.

Top 10 Microsoft Products: Partners Rate What's Most Important

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Which components of Microsoft's 350-strong product portfolio are the most important to its partners' businesses? To find the answer, we asked the partners themselves -- over 500 of them -- to pick the 10 they and their customers can't go without.

Office 365 Beta: 12 Key Features

WEB EXCLUSIVE: The public beta of Office 365, Microsoft's much-anticipated successor to its Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS), has just arrived, and we've got an early look. Here are 12 key features from the beta that show how Microsoft plans to deliver productivity tools in the cloud.

The Dynamics Decade: 10 Highlights from 10 Years of Microsoft Business Applications

WEB EXCLUSIVE: From the early acquisitions of Great Plains and Navision, to the Burgum-Nadella-Tatarinov executive shakeup, to the company's tentative first steps toward an "all-in" cloud approach, we spotlight the top 10 milestones from Microsoft's decade of Dynamics.

2011 Microsoft Partner Survey: Your Take on the MPN, Selling the Cloud and More

With the launch of the Microsoft Partner Network in November, Microsoft forced 400,000 partners to decide how they'll fit their businesses into the new structure. In our annual survey, readers reported how they're planning to adapt.

iPad Apps for Microsoft Partners, Editor's Cut: Here Are 24 More

Once again, RCP slogged through the App Store to spotlight the most interesting iPad apps. Last time, we brought you 23. This time, we more than doubled that number, bringing the total to 47. Some are free, others are expensive, but all have potential for integration into Microsoft partner-provided solutions.

Dynamics Franchising: Microsoft Pushes the McDonald's Model (UPDATED)

Many small partners won't qualify for a gold competency under the new MPN. Merging with larger partners is one option, but many partners are reluctant to give up their independence. Now Microsoft is considering franchising as an alternative.

Q&A: Why Should Dynamics Partners Franchise? (UPDATED)

Microsoft's Kristi Hofer, who has crisscrossed the country talking up Microsoft's proposed plan to create a franchise model for Dynamics partners, recently sat down with RCP to explain what such a model would mean for the MPN.

Office 365 Licensing Demystified

WEB EXCLUSIVE: With so many licensing choices available, IT pros can expect to have at least a few questions if they decide to migrate to Office 365. Consultancy Directions on Microsoft recently shed some light on the ins and outs of Office 365 licensing in an online discussion.

Consolidation in the Microsoft Channel

As the IT industry matures, mergers and acquisitions dominate the channel landscape.

23 Intriguing iPad Apps for Microsoft Partners

WEB EXCLUSIVE: We slogged through the App Store to bring the most interesting iPad apps to the surface. Some are free, others are expensive but all have potential for integration into Microsoft partner solutions.

Windows 7 Notebooks Taking Aim at Tablets

A new crop of Windows 7-based notebooks are retaining the utility of the form factor while drawing inspiration from the upstart tablet category.

12 Notable Windows 7 Notebooks

Tablets may be the current consumer rage, but notebooks are here to stay. Here are a dozen that have caught our eye.

Dynamics: The Power of Referral

Will a new program that pays partners for Dynamics leads reach critical mass and spur similar programs within Microsoft?

Half Full? The Channel vs. The Economy

Unemployment remains high, growth projections are modest and systemic risks remain a concern for the economy in 2011. But IT analysts project slightly better growth in technology spending, and Microsoft partners report filling pipelines for the start of the year.

Bag More Prospects with Pinpoint Accuracy

Partner marketing expert Barb Levisay offers tips for getting the most out of Microsoft's free partner directory.

1 2 3 of a Kind

A lot of factors drove the merger of three Midwest solution providers into Avtex Solutions -- but some of the reasons relate to Microsoft technology issues and the new demands of the Microsoft Partner Network.

Marching Orders 2011

As the cloud fills every inch of the IT sky, and the Microsoft Partner Network goes into full effect, RCP's panel of experts offer their best tips for your business to thrive.

Q&A Part 2: Microsoft's Tom Rizzo Talks Smack on Online Services

This time, Rizzo pulls no punches when it comes to talking down Google's effort to compete against Microsoft, and also discusses future integration opportunities with Windows Azure.