
Striking a Balance: Competition and Collaboration

Building solid relationships with customers will win out against the aggressive, pushy sales strategy any day.

Prove Your Marketing Is Paying Off

Tips on obtaining an ROI on your marketing efforts.

SA 'Reparations' vs 'Incentives': What's in a Name?

The real scoop on how Microsoft is handling accounts burned by Software Assurance, and what you can do about it.

RCPmag.com Reader Letters

Why some won't worry about Best Buy encroaching on their SBS territories. Plus, one reader goes virtual.

Setting Up Shop Abroad

Running out of selling territory? Extend it overseas.

More Hat-Changing in Microsoft Executive Ranks

The high-level executive org chart at Microsoft begins looking less like a London road map.

Dialing for Dollars or Wasting Your Money?

Take control of your telemarketing effort, whether you outsource or make them part of your team.

Mind the Gap

Does your business fill a niche where Microsoft doesn't play now? It may not be the case for too long.

Partner Points: RCP Reader Letters

Small biz vs. Best Buy; limitations virtual server technology.

Getting People Ready

Empowering people who keep businesses running is at the heart of better software technology development at Microsoft.

Don't Doom Your Own Marketing Event

Planning a marketing event? Here are some tips for successfully promotional copy that will get people to attend it.

Darwin and Intelligent (Software) Design

Is Microsoft software always the wisest choice to guarantee a project's survival?

The Mother of All Partner Conferences

The biggest gathering of your peers takes place this July in Boston at Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference

Sales and Marketing: Friends, Not Foes

Money is left on the table when sales and marketing can't work together. Here are four key relationship challenges that both sides can agree to work on.

The Value of Reseller Training Centers

Starting up a training center related to your services carries with it high cost and lots of work, but the return on investment can prove to be worthwhile.

So You Want To Be an MSP...

Sure, you can dive right on into managed services, but you'll be doing your company a favor if you tread carefully and review your business plan to fit your new goals.

Push for Answers on Software as a Service

Partners have good reason to be concerned as Microsoft grows its SaaS business.

RCPmag.com Readers Respond

Small (biz) complaint; software as a service advocate speaks up; sold on selling tips.

Striking the Balance in Partnership

Recognizing those "whoa" moments and those "vive la différence" between you and other Microsoft partners that you work and/or compete with.

The Best Estimate

Even with a well-defined project plan, it's best to let the customer know that an estimate on deliverables is just that -- an estimate.