
Trust in the Cloud

Partners inevitably put their credibility on the line when cloud offerings go offline.

Make a Mark with Your Marketing

As the economy improves this year, partners should have differentiation in mind -- starting with marketing.

Finding Some Sales Sanity in 2010

Last year may have been a depressing one for sales teams, but every difficult situation has a lesson in it.

A Cloud Solid Enough to Stand On

The City of LA's decision to replace its e-mail system with Gmail can serve as a rubric for what makes a cloud offering desirable to organizations.

A Fast Start for Windows 7

If you're rooting for Microsoft, there's encouraging news this year that the backsliding is coming to a stop.

Cutting LARs to the Bone

For LARs, recent changes to the way Microsoft treats its reseller channel have really hurt.

Get Market Development Funds While the Getting's Good

Since Windows 7 launched, Microsoft has resuscitated two well-received partner funding programs: The Big Easy and the HP/Microsoft Frontline Partnership.

Bringing a Little Personality to Sales

Selling based on your buyer's personality can help increase your sales volume and improve your velocity.

Partner Hosting Still Has a Future

Long the subject of benign neglect, the Services Provider License Agreement has been rejuvenated in the last year with significant program changes.

Ready, Set ... Wait and See

Services Ready is a good idea, but it won't work in the long run unless Microsoft gets over it's paralyzing paranoia.

Dissecting the Dell Deal

Time to play that favorite channel parlor game: Can Dell be trusted?

Nice Guys Can Finish First

The temptation to strike fear into the hearts of your salespeople can become overpowering at this time of the year, but there are better ways to get results.

Shedding a Light on the SaaS Trail

Despite uncertain prospects, a few partners are already investing in some of Microsoft's SaaS- and cloud-based initiatives.

Microsoft: From Complacence to Competition

When Microsoft does indeed rally around a competitive opportunity, the results can be startling.

Partners: In This Life, You're on Your Own

Microsoft may hope its partners survive the economy, but it's not willing to sacrifice a lot of its own cash to make that happen.

Social Networking and the Revolution

Despite the risks of social networking, it's not surprising that Microsoft would want to join in.

6 Time-Management Tips for Sales Leaders

Some general recommendations for making the weakest link in your company the strongest one.

The Browser vs. the Windows 7 Desktop

Windows 7's immediate success looks guaranteed. After that, the future of the OS is doubtful.

Ballmer's Annual Partner Pep Talk Isn't About Specifics

Ballmer talks about the resetting of the Microsoft Partner program and gives a small dig to Google in the process.

Watering the Partner Ecosystem

A lot of partners are feeling parched these days, but there's a storm on the horizon that may send rain their way.