
Taking Another Look at the LAR-VAR Balance

An experiment with deal registration for Microsoft partners suggests that the company is looking for alternatives to its current reseller structure. As with many changes, this is fraught with both opportunity and risk.

Microsoft on Security: Actions Speak Louder than Words

Big targets are always easy to hit. Perhaps no company in the modern age of commerce knows this better than Microsoft.

New Zero-Day Issue Hits Microsoft's Help and Support Center

Plus: XP Service Pack 2 support set to expire, Adobe's newest patch is only a drop in the bucket.

Compensation in the Clouds

Once you're clear on strategic objectives, you can begin to build a sales compensation plan for your BPOS practice.

Tough Task on Tablets

When I think of Microsoft and the tablet market, I think of a line from the 2004 David Mamet movie "Spartan" -- "You had your whole life to prepare for this moment. Why aren't you ready?"

3 Movies To Inspire Your Sales Approach

While traveling recently, I had an epiphany. If we want to move our businesses forward, we first must move ourselves forward.

Microsoft and Mobile Apps

When a lot of innovative and hungry people gather in one place, the results can be explosive. That's what is taking place in the mobile segment, and Microsoft is just getting started.

Get on the AMS Bandwagon

Applications managed services (AMS) has been gaining a lot of traction lately.

Competing and Cannibalizing

When Microsoft wades into a market with an inexpensive, global solution with the weight of its vast partner community behind it, everyone else often heads for cover.

With Vendors, Fertilize, Water and Weed

My theme for the last several months was how you can differentiate your firm from the masses of other resellers in the world.

11 Things to Know About...WPC 2010

If you're attending Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference 2010 in Washington D.C. this July, here's 11 things to keep you eye out for.

No Quick Bounceback in SMB Spending

If you're finding that technology sales out there in small to midsize business (SMB) land are tough to come by, you're not alone.

Corporate Culture as a Marketing Investment

To make your business stand out, what you do internally behind the scenes can be even more important than what you do externally.

Looking out for the Little Server

Microsoft's focus on cloud computing helps out the big guys. So, will SMB customers continue to be heard?

A Walkthrough of a Broken Organization

Strategic sales management is often a weak link in solution provider companies.

Clouds: Shifting the Business Model

Now that Microsoft Windows Azure and SQL Azure are commercially available, partners need to consider how the company's new cloud services will change the landscape of how software and services are delivered.

Azure's Silent Debut

There were a couple of factors that led Microsoft to soft pedal what should have been a huge moment.

A Year for Leadership

The executives who succeed in 2010 will be the ones who make the tough choices that position their companies wisely.

If Taxes Are Inevitable, Cash In

Tackling the government sector can pay long-term dividends.

Become a Thought Leader

The benefits of thought leadership are many, and cost less than engaging in a full-blown advertising campaign.