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Good Luck, Jason!

ScriptLogic's Nick Cavalancia shared some other company news: Longtime CEO Jason Judge has left the company. For this to make sense, you have to have read the previous item.

As you recall, Quest bought ScriptLogic two-and-a-half years ago. Quest made good on its pledge to maintain ScriptLogic's independence by keeping Jason on as CEO (my guess is Judge remaining was part of the contract). I've seen this happen before, such as when Quest bought Aelita Software. The founder and head of Aelita, Ratmir Timashev, stayed on during the transition, but left afterward to start virtualization vendor Veeam, itself a very cool company.

My guess is that Judge has something similar in mind. Judge is used to running his own show, having started companies, run companies and, in the case of ScriptLogic, given them serious legs. I'll be curious to see Jason's next move!

Posted by Doug Barney on February 03, 2010
