Connect One Launches Wireless Internet Chip
- By Scott Bekker
- August 29, 2000
Connect One Ltd. rolled out an off-the-shelf chip that provides embedded Internet connectivity for devices via Global Systems for Mobile (GSM) modems. The new chip is designed for a variety of wireless implementations.
The iChip Internet Controller is a peripheral chip that works in tandem with a device's host processor to mediate the connection between the host CPU and the Internet. It functions with any host processor and operating system, and can access the Internet via any ISP.
The iChip includes up to 512 KB of on-board flash memory for storing and updating the TCP/IP and other Internet protocols. The iChip also includes HTTP client software, which enables the device to download Web pages; support for up to five UDP or TCP sockets for streaming audio and video; access to secure servers for running proprietary protocols; and hardware flow control which frees the host CPU from managing modem communications.
Contact Connect One, (408) 986-9602,
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.