Wise Teams Up with Seagate
- By Scott Bekker
- June 19, 2000
Wise Solutions Inc., maker of installation software for Windows applications, has announced a partnership with Seagate Software ( The agreement will allow developers to integrate and automate the distribution of Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) applications that use Crystal Reports Developers Edition 8.
Because of the agreement VB developers will now have customizable, built-in support for Crystal Reports 8 runtime. This means that distribution will automatically contain the files and components necessary for fast installation on end users' desktops.
Wise's ( Installmaster, InstallBuilder, and InstallMaker 8.1 products have support for scanning Crystal Reports 8 for dependency information. The Wise tools then allow for a complete distribution of VB applications using Crystal Reports 8. The tools can work off-the-shelf or can be customized by developers. The Wise products also contain a VB import wizard to ease the creation of install scripts. - Alicia Costanza
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.