OnDisplay Offers Free XML Server
- By Scott Bekker
- February 07, 2000
OnDisplay Inc., a provider of e-business infrastructure software, will deliver free business-to-business XML server software for any organization that needs to establish secure, guaranteed exchange with online trading partners.
The XML server software, called XML Connect, will enable multiple trading partners to pass business documents to each other in a secure environment without installing proprietary software on both ends of the connection. The software contains a simple guaranteed-delivery handshake protocol. It features support for HTTP, FTP, and HTTPS for security, and supports many major XML schema such as cXML, CBL, RosettaNet, and XML/EDI.
Industry analysts Zona Research have characterized OnDisplay's free distribution of XML Connect as similar to Microsoft's action in distributing Internet Explorer for free. While OnDisplay ( is distributing the software for free, they are selling the accompanying service eBizXchange, an upgrade option with back office to back office capabilities. Zona Research ( believes that the free distribution may push Microsoft ( into a similar free distribution scenario in order to sell companies on BizTalk. -- Isaac Slepner
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.