News Available as Subscription Service
- By Scott Bekker
- December 21, 1999
WebSideStory Inc. is now selling access to the Web usage data it gathers from
the millions of Internet users who visit Web sites using the company’s HitBox
Web audience analysis technology.
Subscribers to the Web-based service, called, will have
access to the latest Internet user trends, according to the company.
WebSideStory claims more than 35 million unique daily visitors to more than
100,000 Web sites that use HitBox technology. generates daily
snapshots and historical data on Internet trends. Reported statistics include
referring search engines, types of browsers and plug-ins used, screen
resolutions, and peak Internet traffic hours.
WebSideStory provides Internet technologies and services for Web site
traffic analysis, Webmaster resources, data on Internet user trends, and tools
and technologies for Web surfing.
A one-year subscription costs $995.
Contact WebSideStory Inc., (858) 546-0040,
About the Author
Scott Bekker is editor in chief of Redmond Channel Partner magazine.