Disk drives are the slowest components of your system. Using a disk defrag tool can help them deliver optimum performance.
Defragmenting Devices
Disk drives are the slowest components of your system. Using a disk defrag tool can help them deliver optimum performance.
- By Michael Chacon
- August 01, 1999
Last month I presented an overview of how NTFS manages
files in partitions. Because of the cluster-based allocation
process, adding and deleting files to and from an NTFS
partition causes them to become fragmented over time.
Now that you better understand how the file system functions,
I’ll introduce utilities that work with NTFS to bring
these fragments together into, ideally, contiguous streams.
Tools for the Toolbox
Several utility programs provide disk defragmentation
services, most notably Norton Speed Disk (part of Symantec’s
Norton Utilities for NT) and Executive Software’s Diskeeper.
I know people who use these and other products, and most
are happy with what they have—so you have a good selection
to choose from. Personally, I use Diskeeper, so I’ll use
it here as an example of how the defragmentation process
One reason I like Diskeeper is because it was developed
for the VAX VMS operating system more than a decade ago.
Windows NT has a close historical and architectural relationship
with VMS (David Cutler was deeply involved in the development
of both OSes). Contributing to this historical relationship,
Executive Software helped develop some of the components
of the NTFS implementation, and Diskeeper was built upon
these components. Of course, these components are also
available to other disk management utility companies that
use them to provide defragmentation services. You may
also be aware that Windows 2000 will contain a manual
version of Diskeeper. The full Diskeeper add-on will continue
to be available to run automated defragmentations. At
any rate, let’s take a deeper look.
As you may recall from last month, fragmentation is a
natural process with both the FAT and NTFS file systems.
Figure 1 shows an image of a partition as seen through
Diskeeper. Other disk defragmentation utilities display
similar information.
Figure 1. Diskeeper's main interface
displays a color-coded image of a partition. |
Based on the color-coded legend and the color display,
you can immediately see fragmented files and randomly
distributed directories on this partition. Although this
provides a general overview of the partition condition,
you’ll need to use the text mode window to view specific
information (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. To view specific information
about your partition, you'll need to use Diskeeper's
text mode. |
This textual information gives us a better idea of the
condition of this drive. We can see that it’s mildly fragmented
from a file perspective. Regardless of how mild or severe
the file fragmentation, the process of removing that fragmentation
is similar. Diskeeper works on each file individually.
Because it doesn’t keep a scratch file for the process,
Diskeeper needs only enough contiguous disk space for
any two given fragments. The process is always concerned
with creating one fragment out of the two. It will then
take this new fragment and write it to another contiguous
space on the partition. If there are multiple fragments
for one file, the process will continue until the file
is completely contiguous or there isn’t enough contiguous
space left on the partition to hold the complete file.
The benefit of this linear fragment-by-fragment process
is that even if a file can’t be made completely contiguous,
Diskeeper can still reduce the fragmentation. For example,
a file in 12 fragments might only be reduced to four.
Diskeeper accepts this best effort and then moves on to
the next file. Although this isn’t the optimum state,
it’s still an improvement over the original condition
of the file.
The Trouble with Directories
One factor that commonly prevents the complete defragmentation
of files is the presence of directories. As you can see
from Figure 1 and verify from the text window in Figure
2, the directories on this drive are scattered across
the partition. This raises an important aspect of NTFS
partitions: Directories are files with special attributes
that include all the file names. If those file names consume
more than the 1K record size in the Master File Table
(MFT), one or more runs will be created to contain the
rest of the names. These runs will be written to random
locations in the partition, as are all files. However,
directories can’t be defragmented or moved while the system
is accessing the partition. So the random location of
static directories means that there will be fewer available
areas of free space on the partition. As new files and
runs are created, it’s more likely that they’ll also become
fragmented immediately as they bump into the directories.
Figure 3 shows the partition after the normal defragmentation
Figure 3. The normal defragmentation
process eliminates the fragmentation, but the directories
remain. |
As you can see, the file fragmentation is gone, but the
directories represented by the light blue lines remain.
This means that as new files are created or existing ones
grow, they’ll become fragmented almost immediately. The
solution is to move the directories to one location on
the disk periodically when the system isn’t accessing
the partition, such as during the boot process. With Diskeeper,
this is accomplished by running a boot-time defragmentation
process from the Advanced Tools menu option. This configures
the Registry setting to run the directory defragmentation
during the boot process. One other function available
when running in this mode is to defrag the paging file,
which again is something you can’t do when NT is actually
During the boot process, the MFT length and offset is
determined and then the Logical Cluster Numbers (LCNs)
are remapped to the directories as they’re moved to a
contiguous area of the partition.
You may notice that, although the program reports zero
percent fragmentation, all the files and directories aren’t
completely consolidated. File consolidation doesn’t necessarily
improve performance (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. After running the boot-time
process, the program reports zero percent fragmentation,
but all files and directories still aren't completely
consolidated. |
There’s a distinction between consolidated files and
individually contiguous files. It’s the contiguous characteristic
of each individual file that’s important, not how they
might all be neatly organized at the beginning of the
partition. Files on a disk usually aren’t read from the
disk in order, particularly on a server. Records in a
database are frequently read in order, but they’re usually
contained within a database that the file system considers
an individual file, such as Microsoft SQL Server or Exchange.
Diskeeper writes bit for bit to the new location and doesn’t
alter the contents of the file in any manner other than
the LCN attribute mappings. Therefore, Diskeeper doesn’t
address internal record fragmentation in databases used
by applications such as SQL Server or Exchange. Tools
that do address internal fragmentation, such as EBDUTIL
for Exchange, copy the entire database file to a new location.
If there isn’t enough free partition space to contain
the copy of the database file, you’ll get cluster fragmentation.
Defragmenting offline is a good idea before you run these
database tools. Remember, directories aren’t consolidated
to make them read faster. They’re consolidated because
they can’t be defragmented when the system is up, and
they can block the contiguous runs of files as they are
created or grow during use.
Keep Your Drive Slim and Trim
Although a defrag program is essential for network administrators,
one of the best things you can do for a hard drive is
simply not fill it up completely with data. Microsoft
recommends that you always keep 20 percent of the disk
free so the file system can breathe. If you surpass this,
NTFS will spend a significant amount of access time looking
for free space and spreading new or growing files across
the partition, diminishing performance. When a new NTFS
partition is created, 12.5 percent of the partition is
“reserved” for the MFT. It’s important to understand that
this space isn’t preallocated, and it can be used by NTFS
for attribute runs instead of MFT records if there’s no
other space on the partition to hold them. This means
that when the MFT needs to add a new record to store attributes
for a new file, the records will be stored in a different
area in the partition and the MFT will become fragmented
(see Figure 5).
Figure 5. When the MFT needs
to add a new record to store attributes for a new
file, the records will be stored in a different area
in the partition, causing the MFT to become fragmented. |
Once an MFT becomes as badly fragmented as shown in Figure
5, the ballgame is over. There’s no way to defragment
the MFT other than reformatting the partition and restoring
the files from a backup device. In the worst case, if
the MFT on the system partition is highly fragmented,
NT may not even be able to boot at all because the bootstrap
code can’t locate the NTLDR file.
Additional Information |
Executive Software’s
Diskeeper is $44.95. If you’re working
with Windows 2000 Beta 3, you’ll find
Diskeeper as part of the beta. Otherwise,
you can download a free 30-day evaluation
version from Executive Software at www.diskeeper.com.
Other disk defragmentation products
Refer to the Microsoft Knowledge
Base article Q228734 for more information
about this issue; also, Knowledge Base
article Q174619 describes a Registry
setting that determines how the NTFS
reserves space for the MFT.
Discipline is Key
The best method of dealing with defragmentation is to
run the process on a regular basis. In fact, Diskeeper
recommends running the defragmentation process continuously.
Diskeeper is designed as an ongoing process rather than
as a tool to be used only when fixing a problem. You want
to prevent the problem in the first place. The process
is scheduled with a low priority so that it will acquiesce
to other processes and run only while the system is idle.
This keeps the partitions neatly trimmed and hedged. Users
can access most of the files concurrently with Diskeeper.
Each file is locked only for few milliseconds at the end
of processing. If the user’s application tries to write
to a file that Diskeeper is writing, the request is suspended
until the file is released, and then the request is serviced.
If a file has been exclusively locked by the application,
Diskeeper will skip that file and return to deal with
it on the next pass.
Remember, as directories are created they create walls
that are barriers to contiguous space. Check your partitions
for directory fragmentation on a regular basis and, when
you have an opportunity, reboot your system and run Diskeeper
to consolidate your directories. Your disk drives are
the slowest component of your system. Keeping them in
a contiguous state will help them deliver optimum performance.