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What's Your Motivation?

A friend of mine recently asked me where I had been lately. When I mentioned that in July I had been in San Diego, Washington, D.C. and Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and that I was leaving again this week for Las Vegas, he just shook his head and said, "I don't know now how you do it!"

I seem to have a lot to juggle, as do many people, but what keeps me on a fairly busy travel schedule is more than simply work -- it's a passion. It has been 16-and-a-half years since I started Acumen Management Group and the basis behind the company still drives me.

For the first time, I will share a portion of my business plan. It's only one section and my purpose is not to reveal what I believe in, but hopefully to give you an idea to either share your values with others or, more importantly (if you don't already have them), to develop them for your company and/or yourself. 

What Value We Bring
We work to leverage and add additional insight to our client base, allowing existing management and sales management programs to operate more productively. We may introduce new leadership and new programs to achieve the goals of the organization. Our experience, national exposure, existing programs and on-going relationships will accomplish more for our clients ensuring their success.


  • At every meeting our goal will be to build a better relationship.
  • All commitments will be documented and completed on time.
  • Client confidentiality will be maintained on all aspects.
  • Our client's time is money and will be valued accordingly.
  • We will at all times seek to add value-when this stops our work is finished.
  • We will seek to have fun and fulfillment in our role and company.

These concepts are important to me and provide me focus, purpose and describe my passion. Notice that there are both personal and professional aspects within these statements. I believe that is important for a successful leader.

Passion is a topic that drives life; without it, the day-to-day events become simply a passage.

I know a woman who is almost 80 years old but continues to hike in the Smoky Mountains and swims almost every day; her passion is fitness. On Friday, I saw a video on Facebook of a 95-year-old woman who actively dances and can still shovel snow. These women have found personal passion to keep life active. Personal passion aligned with professional passion is a critical factor for success.

I get a kick out of coaching individual people, giving them ideas and tools to make their companies more successful. The ability to impact an audience and light a spark that ignites change in individuals' lives continues to excite me -- it's a passion that allows me to put up with the stress of airline schedules and hotel nights. But it is also fun. I have said it many times: If you are not having fun, change your life. In my keynote I normally state, "You can't change the way you have lived your life, but you can change the way you live your life!"

What is your passion? What is driving your life? Have fun and enjoy your summer.

Posted by Ken Thoreson on July 28, 2014
