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Gain the Competitive Edge

Last week I suggested a few ideas on sales management training. Now we need to provide a few quick ideas for salespeople -- that is, professional salespeople. The definition of a professional:

A professional has a commitment to a calling -- the education, training, and expertise that an amateur does not have. This commitment to become a true professional is a key to differentiating yourself in the marketplace.

In challenging times we find the sales difference or the spread expanding between average performers and high achievers. Why? True professionals always seek to increase their edge, improve how they sell and how they market. An IT salesperson told me about his commitment to professionalism. He makes a dozen face to face calls per week, spends one hour a day cold calling and a makes it a personal drive to sell more than last year, which was $4 million.

What is your commitment? Here are some ideas for things go do to gain that competitive edge in tough times:

  • Expand your network and marketing. Use LinkedIn to tap into technology groups in your area -- become a resource.
  • Read a new book on sales skills and discuss with your sales team.
  • Listen to motivational CDs during the day and keep your attitude strong.
  • Access Microsoft's sales resource site; to learn more, go here.
  • Register for MSFT BIZ Builder Sales Clinics and use the interactive forum to ask sales strategy questions.
  • Role play your phone voice mail.
  • Rehearse every sales call you make -- focus on being unique.

And finally, listen to my sales tips podcasts at

Posted by Ken Thoreson on May 08, 2009
