Surveys Let You Know the Score
Managed service providers are often so focused on reselling new products and services and pitching their own new products services to clients that they can easily overlook a key step in retention and procurement of customers. What's that step? Well, it's the old "how am I driving" customer outreach. Online surveys can be particularly effective in giving an MSP a better understanding of strengths and weaknesses, as well as customer satisfaction.
The cool thing is that you don't necessarily need a fancy-schmancy polling firm or an overpriced integrated marketing company. Net Promoter has score survey that has gained popularity as a Web-based benchmark that gauges customer attitudes and links survey results to a metric that helps companies use it improve their own profitability.
CSK Technologies uses Net Promoter to survey clients at the end of each quarter. Typical survey questions include the basic 1-t0-10 scale of satisfaction, as well as an overture to the customer on whether or not they'd like to be contacted regarding grievances, for instance, if a score is 8 or lower.
Additional questions include satisfaction levels of core applications and network monitoring and helpdesk response efficiency.
Indeed, it helps to keep track of your performance and either improve service or remediate deficiencies. One sure thing is that customers will keep track of the performance of the IT service company they are paying to make their business better.
Posted by Jabulani Leffall on April 11, 2011