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McAfee Steps Up SaaS Game

Fresh off its merger announcement of a combination with chip-giant Intel, McAfee has hinted that it might be launching software as a service rollouts for resellers.

Alex Thurber, the company's global channel chief, described the SaaS channel strategy during the McAfee Global Partner Day at McAfee Focus 10 in Las Vegas. Among the other things mentioned at the conference were tips and tricks for endpoint protection and security methods for SMBs. But what a larger SaaS roll out means for McAfee is that the company is stepping up its game in the channel by trying to foster sell-through, via VARs and MSPs, to those aforementioned small businesses.

With Intel's foray into mobile devices and a move to embed anti-malware and exploit technology in its chips, a McAfee SaaS offering could be an interesting proposition for MSPs serious about a security sell-through with the rest of their own proprietary service lines.

Posted by Jabulani Leffall on October 11, 2010
