Channel Scandal Shocks India

India's outsourcing and technology sectors are reeling from a huge financial scandal. BusinessWeek , the best American magazine not part of Redmond Media Group, tells the whole sordid tale .

Posted by Lee Pender on January 08, 20090 comments

Intel Forecast Drags Down Microsoft

Intel downgraded revenue forecasts (again) and the news had, as of Wednesday afternoon, a negative effect on Microsoft stock. Hey, who said Wintel was dead? Seriously, though, the tech industry is finally starting to feel some of the squeeze that housing, banking and insurance have felt in recent months. Except this time, it's their fault, not ours.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 08, 20091 comments

Tech Data To Offer DataCore Products

Tech Data will distribute DataCore's storage virtualization apps, among others.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 08, 20090 comments

EMC Buys SourceLabs, Sort Of

The big vendor, one of the last really big technology players still based here in New England, has bought SourceLabs... but not all of it , and not some of the open source projects it has going.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 07, 20090 comments

Muglia Stakes His Claim in Redmond

Rarely do we dive into the intricacies, dramas and ongoing story lines of personnel moves at Microsoft. The org chart in Redmond tends to resemble an ant farm -- there's tons of activity, but trying to follow the activities of one particular participant in the chaos is nearly impossible. Or so it seems sometimes, anyway.

But this week, one of those executive stories popped up that was important enough to write about here because it could have an impact on a post-Steve Ballmer Microsoft universe. Bob Muglia, Redmond magazine's January cover subject and a longtime Microsoft executive, got a bump up to president of the company's insanely successful server and tools business.


Posted by Lee Pender on January 07, 20090 comments

Microsoft Leads Patent Race

Is there a race to successfully file patents? Well, if there is, Microsoft leads it .

Posted by Lee Pender on January 07, 20091 comments

New Linux Kernel Pops

Orville Redenbacher probably never thought much about this kind of kernel.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 07, 20090 comments

Expert Says Microsoft Cashed In on 'Vista Capable' Label

Remember the "Vista Capable" lawsuit that led to a series of hilarious e-mails being made public? Sure you do . Well, according to one expert, that Vista Capable label was apparently a nice little earner More

Posted by Lee Pender on January 06, 20090 comments

Microsoft Feels the Economic Pinch

Happy New Year! Now, for the bad news: The economy is still, well, not great. And everybody's feeling the pinch, including the folks in Redmond.

Microsoft's going to have to tighten its belt, just like almost everybody else. The question at this point surrounds just how many notches are going to get cinched in Redmond. Rumors of big layoffs persist, but Microsoft says that that sort of thing won't be necessary. A few contractors here, some cost cutting there, and 2009 will be tough but manageable, the folks in Redmond insist.


Posted by Lee Pender on January 06, 20090 comments

Jobs To Remain Apple CEO

Normally this wouldn't rate as much of a headline, but it does this week with Steve Jobs' pronunciation that his recent weight loss is down to a hormonal problem and that he's going to be just fine.

Posted by Lee Pender on January 06, 20091 comments

Leaked Windows 7 Beta Gets Early Reviews

So, over the long holidays, while many of us were woofing down fatty foods and sleeping late, a Windows 7 beta version leaked onto the Internet . Already the critics are all over the spill...and, so far, they like it

Posted by Lee Pender on January 06, 20090 comments

Macworld Expo Loses Apple

Well, how is this going to work now? This is like "Laverne & Shirley" after Cindy Williams left, except worse -- there's not even a Laverne to carry Macworld Expo, which is losing both Apple and Steve Jobs . It's sort of like Kentucky Fried Chicken without chicken or a wine bar without wine. Really, what's the point?

Posted by Lee Pender on December 18, 20082 comments