Microsoft Rolls Out Auto Software

Get it? Rolls out? It's a pun wrapped in a word play. Anyway, the question here isn't how good Microsoft's car software is, but whether there will be an auto industry in the next few months to actually buy it.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 03, 20090 comments

Microsoft Takes S+S Worldwide

OK, we're not going to lie to you. (We never do lie to you, actually, but in this case we're going to be ridiculously truthful.) Your editor just spent a decent chunk of Monday afternoon shoveling snow, uncovering cars and watching the neighbor clear the driveway with the second-greatest invention of all time, the snow blower. (The greatest invention is still air conditioning.)

So this might not be the most poignant, clever or analytical RCPU entry of all time. But it will be informative, starting with this week's news, lovingly crafted by RCP Editor in Chief Scott Bekker, that Microsoft is taking its online services worldwide.


Posted by Lee Pender on March 03, 20090 comments

TomTom Lawsuit Leads to Open Source Freak-Out

Microsoft is suing the Linux-loving GPS company, and since patents are involved in the suit, the open source community is getting nervous . And probably for good reason.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 03, 20090 comments

Citrix Alters Partner Program

If we were hosting a '70s variety show or possibly "Saturday Night Live," we'd be smiling, pointing and saying, "Once again, ladies and gentlemen, Scott Bekker!" And here he is with details of changes to Citrix's partner program . Followed by a song, we hope.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 03, 20090 comments

Windows 7 in September?

It makes sense if you think about it. It might even make sense if you don't. That's why we're prone to believe the rumor that Windows 7 could arrive as early as September.

This week, an executive at an OEM in Taipei dropped the mega-hint that the final version Windows 7 might not wait until December or January to come bursting out of the womb. Ray Chen of Compal Electronics is talking about Microsoft releasing the magnificent 7 this fall, maybe in September or October.


Posted by Lee Pender on February 26, 20092 comments

HP, Sun Take Aim at Microsoft with Solaris Deal

HP is distributing Solaris 10 on Proliant servers and blades ; the two companies seem to be aiming the effort squarely at both Microsoft and Linux. Good luck.

Posted by Lee Pender on February 26, 20090 comments Scores Big with Earnings

Hmm. Maybe there's something to the idea that a down economy will be a boon to companies that offer a hosted model. bucked the industry -- and the global -- trend by blowing its earnings out of the water in its most recent fiscal quarter.

Posted by Lee Pender on February 26, 20090 comments

Microsoft Issues Advisory on Excel Bug

Apparently, there could be some wide-open holes in those spreadsheets.

Posted by Lee Pender on February 26, 20090 comments

Microsoft Backtracks on Severance Snafu

Remember how Microsoft was going to try to collect overpaid severance money from laid-off employees? Well, the new word out of Redmond is: never mind .

Posted by Lee Pender on February 25, 20090 comments

Redmond Rolls Out Data Warehouse SQL Server Wares

Bull, Dell and HP are some of the big partners involved with this effort .

Posted by Lee Pender on February 25, 20090 comments

Red Hat Jumps into Virtualization Fray

In the same week in which VMware started releasing parts of its Virtual Data Center Operating System (which Redmond magazine was all over More

Posted by Lee Pender on February 25, 20090 comments

Microsoft in 2009: Back to Basics

"Dance with the one what brung ya."
-- Old Texas saying often used by, and possibly even coined by, Darrell Royal, former football coach at the University of Texas

We hope that your editor's fellow TCU Horned Frogs out there -- we know you're reading -- will forgive a quote from an old rival, but we just couldn't think of a better quip to describe Steve Ballmer's state-of-Microsoft speech delivered on Wall Street this week.


Posted by Lee Pender on February 25, 20091 comments