IBM-Microsoft Mainframe War Still Raging

Just to show how sometimes the industry gets ahead of itself in terms of hype (ahem), there's still plenty of news and wrangling over the old-school mainframe, a pretty good synopsis of which is here .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 25, 20090 comments Gets to Twittering

Want to know what your customers are saying about you in 140 characters or fewer? is all over it . Seriously, this new app is supposed to "monitor and analyze" Tweets. Monitor, we can understand...but analyze? Sentences of 140 characters or fewer? Really? Is Dr. Freud the newest executive at Sometimes a Tweet is just a Tweet.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 25, 20090 comments

Novell Wants a Partner on Every Deal

The news today is that Novell released the latest version of its operating system aimed at datacenters, SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 . But what might be news to partners is that Novell has seriously increased its commitment to the channel in recent months, and it's not just about SUSE Linux anymore. More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 24, 20090 comments

'Vista Capable' Lawsuit Fizzling

It was fun while it lasted, but the Vista Capable lawsuit that led to all those hilarious Microsoft e-mails being made public seems to be on its legal death bed .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 24, 20091 comments

In Case You Missed It: IE 8

You probably didn't miss it, but we'll go ahead and tell you that it went live late last week .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 24, 20090 comments

Ingram Introduces Cisco Business Unit

Good news for Cisco channel members from Ingram Micro here .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 19, 20090 comments

Microsoft Rolls Out Forefront for OCS

Forefront for Office Communications Server has been released to manufacturing .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 19, 20090 comments

IBM Wants To Soak Up Some SunĀ 

Another one is biting the dust. As you know if you've been reading industry news at all this week, IBM is in talks to buy Sun Microsystems. The Wall Street Journal , as it tends to do, broke the story -- but if you want to read the whole article, you'll have to subscribe online. There's no need at this point, though, because there are More

Posted by Lee Pender on March 19, 20090 comments

IE Market Share Holding Steady

Apparently, Chrome isn't exactly polished and Firefox (your editor's choice) isn't burning as brightly as it once did. Oh, and, uh, not many people are going on Safaris or listening to Opera, either.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 18, 20092 comments

Adobe Earnings Beat Expectations

Yeah, times are sort of tough, but not as tough as analysts thought they would be...which is good news for Adobe .

Posted by Lee Pender on March 18, 20090 comments

Stormy Weather for Azure, Blue Skies for Hadoop

If cloud computing in the enterprise were, well, a cloud, it would be forming in the distance, just coming over the horizon. Sure, some companies are making money with it and others are saving money by using it, but it's still an evolving model.

Two pieces of news this week showed the negative and positive potential of cloud computing. Let's start with the bad news, or at least with the negative-potential bit. Azure crashed late last week.


Posted by Lee Pender on March 18, 20090 comments

SCVMM 2008 R2 Beta Ready for Action

That's System Center Virtual Machine Manager , for those of you who left your Microsoft-to-English dictionaries at home.

Posted by Lee Pender on March 18, 20090 comments