CDW Tracks Vista, Office 2007 Adoption

Channel monster CDW is back with more numbers for your consumption. This time, the Large Account Reseller is looking at adoption of Vista and Office 2007. The crux of the findings is that Vista -- which almost 30 percent of "IT decision makers" are either using or "evaluating" -- seems to be a good springboard to adoption of Office 2007. While not particularly surprising, that little nugget still seems interesting. From the More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 07, 20070 comments

A Low-Stress Patch Tuesday?

Possibly, if everything that's out there so far holds to form.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 07, 20070 comments

September RCP: Aux Armes, Microsoft and Symantec!

There was a time, of course, when Microsoft couldn't do without vendors like Symantec (and maybe it still can't -- but that remains to be seen). Big security players were the cops who kept Windows from looking like some dark, dangerous, back-alley operating system and held most -- if definitely not all -- of the attacks that threatened various versions of the OS at bay. Windows needed security, and Symantec and friends happily -- and profitably -- provided it. And they still do. More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 07, 20071 comments

Windows Comes to Live

There's a Windows Live update out, and if its delivery looks similar to something you've seen in the past, that's no accident .

Posted by Lee Pender on September 06, 20070 comments

September RCP: Nice SaaS

Maybe you're not entirely sure what Software as a Service is. Sure, you read a lot about it (even here), and maybe you hear people talking about it. You see that seems to be cleaning up revenue-wise with it. Perhaps your customers have even puzzled you by inquiring as to what your SaaS option is. So you're left trying to figure out what SaaS really is, much less what your strategy for it should be. More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 06, 20070 comments

Microsoft Hopes To Strike Gold With Silverlight

OK, so it's not the greatest play on words of all time, but we were trying to go for something other than a "turns on Silverlight" phrase (which Keith Ward already stole), which kind of makes us think of a lousy old Neil Diamond song.

Anyway, Microsoft released Silverlight this week.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 06, 20070 comments

OOXML Loses ISO Vote

And that's a big "no" from a big standards organization for Microsoft's Office Open XML document format.

Posted by Lee Pender on September 04, 20070 comments

Windows Server 2008: What's the Holdup?

With apologies to our friends outside the U.S. who were probably working yesterday, we're still recovering from a long holiday weekend here and all the work we missed on Monday. So, get ready for some quick hits today. (Yes, that means you get a break from RCPU's usual ponderings, but we'll be back to ponder tomorrow.) Also, we'll have a Friday edition this week, so be on the lookout for that. More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 04, 20070 comments

Will Microsoft Harvest BlackBerrys?

There's a rumor going 'round that Microsoft is in the market to purchase BlackBerry maker Research in Motion , so commentators are lining up to bash the idea More

Posted by Lee Pender on September 04, 20070 comments

Microsoft Sort of Resolves Antitrust Issues

The Department of Justice and a collection of states are happy with what Microsoft plans to do competition-wise with Vista SP1, but a few straggler states (most notably California, home of the whiniest of technology vendors) are still not satisfied

Posted by Lee Pender on September 04, 20070 comments

Simonyi Trots Out Self-Coding Software

If this stuff works, it could spell doom for the makers of Skittles and Mountain Dew.

Posted by Lee Pender on August 29, 20070 comments

CDW Study Reveals SMB IT Trends

We hear the phrase all the time -- "SMB," or small and medium-sized businesses. Partners, vendors and analysts all say that the new pot of revenue gold lies at the end of the SMB rainbow, now that bigger companies have just about all the technology they can stand, thank you very much. But SMB is not a homogenous category of enterprises. Indeed, some Bs are considerably more M than S, and vice versa. More

Posted by Lee Pender on August 29, 20070 comments