RCPU's 2008 Predictions

We hate predictions here at RCPU. Most of the ones we read tend to sound kind of pompous and obvious -- pundits love to predict that the earth will continue to rotate on its axis and then cover themselves in glory when, hey!, they turn out to be right. Either that, or analysts and other pundits go off and make a bunch of predictions in December that nobody remembers (nor checks for accuracy) a year later. More

Posted by Lee Pender on December 27, 20070 comments

Army Turns to Mac for Security

Tired of having systems provided by other vendors (hmmm, short list there) hacked, the U.S. Army is looking to integrate more Macs into its infrastructure.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 27, 20071 comments

Security Gone in a Flash

According to a new book (and to Google, so take that for what it's worth), there's a not-so-small security problem with Adobe's Flash software. By the way, we love the use of the word "vulns" as an abbreviation for vulnerabilities.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 26, 20070 comments

Maybe BI Is Dead After All

Or maybe not, but we did find this amusing. We opened an entry on Blink Logic on Nov. 28 thusly:

"Robert Lendvai was as confused as anybody when he read RCPU's declaration that IBM's planned buyout of Cognos meant the end of business intelligence as we know it. The chief marketing office of Blink Logic, an Ottawa-based BI firm, even had a bit of a career crisis: 'I wondered whether maybe I should resign,' Lendvai said."


Posted by Lee Pender on December 21, 20070 comments

Reader Feedback Friday: Open Source and Vista

It's our last Reader Feedback Friday of the year! We'd love to take an opportunity to go back over all the events of 2007 in RCPU, but your editor is on vacation right now and is more than willing to just let a few more readers do the talking. So, here goes:

On the Netherlands going open source, we got an e-mail from Fred that was especially impressive for his use of the word "utopianistically":


Posted by Lee Pender on December 21, 20070 comments

But How Many People 'Live Search' Each Other?

For some reason, there's a fair amount of buzz today about a Pew Research Center study that revealed that Americans like to look themselves and others up online. Why that's a surprise to anybody, we don't know...but there you go.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 21, 20070 comments

Titan Released to Manufacturing

Barb Darrow has an interesting look at the latest Dynamics CRM release and what it means for Microsoft's SaaS strategy.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 20, 20070 comments

Paul Allen vs. Google

The former Redmond honcho will square off against Google for the license for a spectrum that could be used to establish a wireless network. More from the Times of London , old bean.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 20, 20070 comments

BusinessWeek Looks at Google

All you really need to read every week is The Economist , BusinessWeek and, of course, Redmond Channel Partner the week it comes out. Throw in the Journal or the Financial Times if you want to, but it's hard to beat BW for stuff like this

Posted by Lee Pender on December 19, 20070 comments

Hyper-V Beta Hits the Floor

Hyper-V -- which, despite its name, is not an '80s hip-hop legend but an important virtualization offering from Microsoft -- is now in beta .

Posted by Lee Pender on December 14, 20070 comments

Reader Feedback Friday: Dell, Vista, Fruitcake and 'Cheers'

With reader e-mails this good, why should we spend time coming up with a clever introduction to Reader Feedback Friday? Let's just jump right in.

On Dell sidling up to partners and trying to make things right again after all these years, we got a subtle, nuanced response from John, which we quote here directly and without editing:


Posted by Lee Pender on December 14, 20070 comments

IDC Sounds Another SaaS Warning

Seriously, it's time to start ramping up for SaaS if you haven't already. In one of those studies that basically reports that the earth might just continue spinning on its axis, IDC tells us that SaaS will -- brace yourselves -- dramatically alter the landscape for partners.

Posted by Lee Pender on December 12, 20070 comments