Google and Now, That's SaaS-y!

Did someone say Web 2.0? Did someone say Software as a Service? Did someone say cloud computing, or utter some other already hackneyed buzzword?

Oh, yes, someone did say all those things this week with the celebrity marriage of and Google, two of the industry's Webby young superstars. The two SaaS evangelists finally exchanged vows of sorts this week, announcing an agreement through which will sell Google Apps with the CRM (customer relationship management -- but you knew that) offering.


Posted by Lee Pender on April 15, 20080 comments

Bizarre Love Rectangle: Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL and News Corp.

Oh, dear. Rumor -- and, remember, pretty much all of this stuff is rumor -- has it that Yahoo is looking to AOL (ugh) to save it from Microsoft...while Redmond might be looking to News Corp. (double ugh) to help woo (or just gobble up) Yahoo.

What a mess. And what a pairing that would be -- Microsoft and News Corp. (Rupert Murdoch's company, famous in the U.S. for Fox News). Man, that little couple coming together to put down "Internet pioneer" Yahoo would probably be enough to make some Silicon Valley bloggers' heads explode.

Posted by Lee Pender on April 15, 20080 comments

CIOs: IT Budgets Declined in Q1

There's still supposed to be growth for 2008 overall, but things haven't started especially well .

Posted by Lee Pender on April 15, 20080 comments

Gartner Predicts Doom for Big, Fat Windows

Windows is dying because of virtualization (and because it's so darn fat)! Only virtualization can save Windows! Or so say the know-it-alls at Gartner, anyway.

Yeah, it doesn't make a lot of sense to us, either. We're scratching our heads here, and so is Doug Barney, editor in chief of RCP's sister publication, Redmond magazine.


Posted by Lee Pender on April 15, 20084 comments

Forefront 'Stirling': Microsoft Offers Its Protection

OK, confession time: Back in November of 2006, RCP the magazine brought you the story of Microsoft Forefront, Redmond's big move into the enterprise security market. As a cover piece, the "Partners in Security" More

Posted by Lee Pender on April 10, 20080 comments

Microsoft Plays UC Matchmaker

We told you last November about Microsoft's entry into unified communications and Redmond's curious relationship with rival Cisco. Well, this week, Jeana Jorgensen, director of the Unified Communications Group at Microsoft, caught up with RCPU to tell us how UC partner recruitment is going. More

Posted by Lee Pender on April 10, 20080 comments

mindSHIFT Snaps up groupSPARK Owner

In honor of the brands and companies in this entry, we'd like to start puttingWORDS together and writing the second one in allCAPS.

Last week, mindSHIFT, a provider of hosted and on-site IT services for SMBs, bought a company called Collaboration Online, a provider of hosted applications better known by some of its brand names, such as groupSPARK and AgileWave CRM. The acquisition was of particular interest to RCPU because Ravi Agarwal, CEO of Collaboration Online, featured prominently in RCP's April cover story.


Posted by Lee Pender on April 10, 20080 comments

Google Cranks Up App Engine

Well, there's a preview of it, anyway.

Posted by Lee Pender on April 09, 20080 comments

Vista SP1 Reboot No Longer Endless

Microsoft has fixed what sounded like an extremely annoying problem .

Posted by Lee Pender on April 09, 20080 comments

IBM Debuts Mashup Tools

Some of them are for non-technical folks; others are for more geeky types.

Posted by Lee Pender on April 09, 20080 comments

A Little Reader Feedback

Right here in the middle of the week, we're turning things over to you, the reader. That's right; it's Reader Feedback...Wednesday!

We start with Larry's comment on OOXML becoming an ISO standard (a topic that, incidentally, seems to have produced a record number of comments on the blog site). Larry says:


Posted by Lee Pender on April 09, 20080 comments

Microsoft Toys with Yahoo

Ultimatums, threats to decrease the offering price, potential proxy fight...these are the days of our lives with Microsoft's bid to buy Yahoo .

Posted by Lee Pender on April 08, 20080 comments