Some Admins Blocked from Microsoft Patches

Well, we'll bet this put a damper on a lot of Patch Tuesday parties.

Posted by Lee Pender on June 17, 20080 comments

Unified Communications Takes Hosted Form

Unified communications might still be a fairly meaningless term for a lot of people, but that hasn't stopped Microsoft from releasing UC apps More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 17, 20080 comments

Alt-N Seeks Microsoft Channel Partners

For most of the last 12 years, Alt-N Technologies, based down in Grapevine, Texas, has been a Microsoft competitor -- a role not easy for any smaller company to play. Alt-N's bread and butter has been an e-mail product, a competitor to Microsoft's mighty Exchange. As such, Alt-N isn't a Microsoft partner and has fairly limited experience working with folks in the Microsoft channel.


Posted by Lee Pender on June 12, 20080 comments

Symantec Goes Virtual

Symantec's new Veritas Virtual Infrastructure combines storage management and virtualization...but just for Citrix, and not for VMware (or, uh, Hyper-V).

Posted by Lee Pender on June 12, 20080 comments

Glassdoor Reveals Salaries, Satisfaction Levels in Redmond

While it has absolutely nothing on RCP the magazine's annual salary survey , we'll admit that Glassdoor, a new startup, sounds pretty cool. It's all about tracking salaries and levels of employee satisfaction in companies such as Google and Microsoft. Seattle Post-Intelligencer More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 12, 20080 comments

Vista Bites

Just a quick note before we get started: We're giving you a break from reader feedback this week, even though we've had some great stuff come through recently. This week's entry on social networking has drawn some especially interesting feedback, so we're actually going to blow that out a bit and come back to the subject in future RCPUs. In the meantime, keep the good stuff coming to More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 12, 20080 comments

Office 2009 Revealed?

Mary Jo Foley suspects that Office 14 might just end up being called Office 2009 .

Posted by Lee Pender on June 11, 20080 comments

Microsoft Gets Virtual at Tech-Ed

These days, Microsoft's Tech-Ed conference is an obnoxious two-week binge, with one week devoted to developers and the second to IT folks. With a minimum of product announcements on the slate, the more interesting (or at least somewhat less nerdy) second week is all about agenda-setting for Redmond rather than about product pumping. (And, no, RCPU is not there, in case you were wondering.) More

Posted by Lee Pender on June 11, 20080 comments

Redmond Red-Faced over Open Source Gaffe

Releasing an open source product with no source code ? Tsk, tsk, Microsoft. The party does not tolerate that kind of behavior, comrades.

Posted by Lee Pender on June 11, 20080 comments

Bill Gates' Exit Interview

Apparently too intimated to sit down and face the icy stare of RCPU, Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer instead went running to the Wall Street Journal (how very old-media of them) to reminisce about old times and talk a bit about the future. Actually, this is a really entertaining interview.

Posted by Lee Pender on June 11, 20080 comments

Microsoft, Kaiser in Online Health Records Initiative

Here's one for all you health care partners out there, in case you missed it. Kaiser Permanente (as opposed to Kaiser Temporalis, we suppose) and Microsoft have an initiative to digitize health records and safely store and transfer them online.

Safely? Well, that might be a bit of a sticking point, we suspect, with a lot of patents and doctors. Still, there could be money to be made here for enterprising health care channel players.

Posted by Lee Pender on June 10, 20080 comments

It's Patch Tuesday Again

Like RCPU, it sort of hits you with unrelenting regularity. This month, seven patches . Enjoy.

Posted by Lee Pender on June 10, 20080 comments