Microsoft Settlement Far From Excel-lent

Savvysoft isn't so savvy when it comes to trademarks .

The company, realizing that Microsoft hadn't registered Excel as a trademark, launched a product called "TurboExcel," and then tried to finagle Microsoft into paying heaps of dough to keep the name "Excel."

It didn't work, and now TurboExcel, which runs on top of Microsoft Excel, is called "Calc4Web."


Posted by Doug Barney on May 02, 20071 comments

VMM Is on Its Second Rev -- And It Hasn't Even Shipped Yet!

The second beta of Microsoft's Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) shipped a few days ago, and Microsoft says it is an utterly different product from beta 1.

VMM is a tool that helps track performance and manage virtual machines. And if Microsoft wants to keep pace with VMware, it better get products like VMM right.


Posted by Doug Barney on May 01, 20070 comments

Not So Sure About WGA

I got a couple of reminders last week from Microsoft about how Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) works and why it's so important (at least to Microsoft).

The company is hoping I'll pass on this information about anti-piracy to customers and partners so we can all do our part in protecting Microsoft's revenue stream.

But in reading the description, I was left with a nagging doubt. I'm not an anti-piracy technology guru, so the need for WGA to regularly check the software after it was initially confirmed as legit is puzzling.


Posted by Doug Barney on May 01, 20070 comments

MS Comes Clean on SaaS

There are a whole lot of big areas where Microsoft's strategy is unclear. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is one of them. Instead of showing leadership, Microsoft is allowing companies such as to define what SaaS is and how it's done.

Microsoft finally went on the record, and while it didn't lay out a grand SaaS strategy, it did define its idea of how a SaaS app is architected.


Posted by Doug Barney on May 01, 20070 comments

Should He Stay or Should He Go Now?

Sometimes, journalists write provocatively just to be provocative. The Web site Light Reading did this early in its life, and now it seems that The Register out of the U.K. is doing the same thing.

Last week, just before Microsoft's earnings report, The Register posted an eight-page diatribe arguing that Steve Ballmer should be replaced with someone like Lou Gerstner, who ran IBM in the '90s.


Posted by Doug Barney on April 30, 20070 comments

Print Isn't Dead -- Take Two

In a recent editorial, I argued that print is far from dead , and pointed out that the Redmond Media Group launched three print pubs in the space of 25 months.

Now the editor in chief of PC Magazine, Jim Louderback, is seeing things my way.


Posted by Doug Barney on April 30, 20070 comments

Here Are Those Record Profits I Promised You

As I mentioned above, Microsoft, supposedly in deep trouble, reported almost $15 billion in revenue in its latest quarter, and record profits of nearly $5 billion.

Google, meanwhile, reported quarterly revenues of just $3.6 billion More

Posted by Doug Barney on April 30, 20070 comments

An EPIC Battle Against Google

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) believes that Google and DoubleClick already know too much about us, and the combination will be a disaster for personal privacy. The group is filing suit with the Federal Trade Commission to stop the merger.

EPIC members worry that the two companies can blend Web surfing histories and search histories, and find out just what kind of creeps many of us are.


Posted by Doug Barney on April 26, 20070 comments

Sun Still Back on Track

I've always liked Sun Microsystems. It's feisty, clever and always doing new things (kinda like our friends up in Redmond).

Unlike Microsoft, Sun hasn't been consistently profitable and doesn't have any monopolies it can leverage. But Sun can be proud of one thing: It rang up a decent profit -- some $67 million -- this past quarter.


Posted by Doug Barney on April 26, 20070 comments


A small Texas software developer claims that .NET is .NOT entirely original , and that the concept of having an object framework where each object can "be accessed or modified separately" is the creation of Vertical Computer Systems Inc., covered by a patent, and not the brainchild of Microsoft Corp. More

Posted by Doug Barney on April 25, 20070 comments

CrackBerry Software Can't Be Stopped

I know plenty of people who are addicted to their BlackBerrys, and the only thing I can figure is they must all have tiny fingers. I love checking my e-mail, but writing anything on the darn thing turns out like this:

Tjanmks fir yoyr niote, I'll bei inm towen nexrt weaek and hopoe to getr togfether. Taklk to yoiu soopn.

My fingers aren't huge, but if I only hit two keys at once, I'm doing well.


Posted by Doug Barney on April 25, 20070 comments

Windows Mobile With a BlackBerry Twist

Microsoft, now that BlackBerry software is open to other device makers, will be adding some BlackBerry features to Windows Mobile 6 , allowing devices to tap into the BlackBerry Enterprise Server to get corporate e-mail.

Dang, wish Redmond had done this earlier. Then I could use a smart phone instead of my bulky BlackBerry 8703.

Posted by Doug Barney on April 25, 20070 comments