Windows 10

Surface 3 Unveiled, Will Hit Retail Shelves in May

Microsoft on Tuesday took the wraps off the Surface 3, the thinnest and lightest version of its tablet.

Spartan Browser Makes Debut on Windows 10 Technical Preview

The newest Windows 10 technical preview build features the public debut of Project Spartan, Microsoft's next-generation browser, and its new EdgeHTML rendering engine.

Microsoft Tweaks Its Browser Strategy for Windows 10

Microsoft this week explained the roles Internet Explorer and the new "Spartan" browser will have in Windows 10, including some changes from its previously outlined browser strategy.

How Good Can a $60 Windows 8.1 Tablet Be?

WEB EXCLUSIVE: The answer is pretty good, judging by the performance and features of the WinBook 7-inch TW700 Tablet -- a whole lot of Windows 8.1 computer for a very small price tag.

Next Windows 10 Preview Build Released; 'Spartan' Still a No-Show

Microsoft released a new Windows 10 preview build for its "fast-ring" testers on Wednesday, although it notably does not include the new Spartan browser.

Microsoft Says Windows 10 Will Arrive this Summer

Microsoft's next desktop operating system will be available this summer, the company announced on Tuesday, a surprising change from the fall timeline forecasted by Microsoft Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner back in December.

Windows 10 To Support Biometric Security with 'Windows Hello'

Passwords need no longer be the last line of defense against unauthorized device access.

Microsoft To Optimize Windows 10 and Azure for 'Internet of Things'

Microsoft on Monday talked up its "Internet of Things" (IoT) vision, and the roles that its Azure and Windows products will play in it.

IDC: Tablet Sales To Recover Slightly on Back of Windows 10

Research and consulting firm IDC delivered mixed news for the tablet market on Thursday, scaling back its growth estimates but still forecasting a "modest" increase in shipments.

Intel Tempers Revenue Forecast over Poor PC Outlook

Chipmaker Intel on Thursday warned investors that its first-quarter revenues could be off by about $1 billion due to lower-than-anticipated demand for business desktop PCs.

Microsoft Throws Hardware Roadmap for Loop with Windows 10 as a Service

Will free upgrades uncouple Windows releases from the PC refresh cycle?

Windows 10 Preview Builds May Be Getting Faster Release Cycle

Microsoft may be considering a change to its Windows 10 preview release schedule that could result in multiple new builds each month.

Getting To Know Microsoft Cortana

What Microsoft's voice-activated technology currently lacks in polish, it definitely makes up for in personality.

10 Ways Windows 10 Will Affect Microsoft Partners

Everything will change for the Microsoft ecosystem when the next client OS ships. Here's a feature-by-feature guide to what specific partner types should expect from Windows 10.

Microsoft Promises Windows 10 Flagship Phones in Late 2015

There was little in the way of new announcements at Microsoft's Mobile World Congress (MWC) event on Monday, but the company did unveil some new hardware and gave one of the earliest public demos of the Project Spartan browser for phones.