Windows 10

New Views on Vista

Results of CDW's survey of 753 U.S. IT decision-makers.

UPDATED: Vista Desktop Search Fight Gets Uglier

The Microsoft-Google spitting match over desktop search is getting wetter every day, with Google now claiming that Microsoft's remedies don't go far enough, and Microsoft arguing that Google has a bad case of sour grapes.

The Bugs Keep Coming for Safari on Windows

Unless there's a pressing need in your environment, you might want to hold off on installing the beta of Apple's Safari browser for Windows, as every day seems to bring a new bug report.

Backlash Against IP Protection Deals Heating Up

For the past several weeks, there has been a rush among some Linux vendors to ink patent protection deals with Microsoft. But that may have spurred a backlash, as other Linux companies are asserting their independence by refusing to go along with what they see as knuckling under to Microsoft's legal threats.

Microsoft: Vista Has Fewest Vulnerabilities at 6-Month Mark

Windows Vista, in its first half-year of life, has proven to be an exceptionally secure operating system -- much more secure, in fact, than competing desktop OSes, according to Microsoft.

UPDATED: Microsoft To Make Changes to Vista Search

Microsoft has agreed to make changes to its search capabilities in Windows Vista, in response to federal anti-competitive charges leveled by Google. The changes will be part of Vista's service pack 1, which Microsoft said it hopes to have ready by the "end of the year."

About-Face on Vista Virtualization Licensing

Microsoft has done an about-face on virtualization licensing for Windows Vista and decided to maintain the status quo.

Vista SP1 Definitely on the Way

Microsoft has verified that there will be an SP1 for Vista, although it's released precious few details about it.

Acer Trims 2007 Computer Sales Forecast

Taiwan personal computer vendor Acer Inc. expects its computer shipments to increase 30 percent to 40 percent this year, a reduction from previous sales forecasts.

Microsoft Publishes Four Critical Updates

Patch Tuesday comes with the publication of six new security bulletins that collectively address vulnerabilities in Windows, IE, Outlook Express, Office and Visio.

Google Charges Microsoft With Illegal Search Practices

Google has raised the ghost of Microsoft's past -- anti-competitive practices -- in a complaint to the U.S. government about Windows Vista.

Vista Assessment Tool Beta Upgrade Available

A tool for determining whether or not computers can handle the Windows Vista operating system has been updated, with some useful new features.

All About Your Hard Drive

Look Mom, take 2: No-script hard drive info, this time using WMIC.

Microsoft Releases Virtual Vista Versions

Want to toy around with Windows Vista or Vista with Visual Studio 2005 but not pay for them? Microsoft is making it possible through the magic of virtualization.

Microsoft: Windows Server 2008 Not Delayed

Speculation has been growing in the media that Windows Server 2008, could be delayed past its RTM and slip into 2008. Microsoft says "it just ain't so."