Solution Providers

Three Security Bulletins Re-Released in June

As part of its monthly patch release this week, Microsoft re-released three older security bulletins to fix various problems with them.

Microsoft Separates Tools from Compute Cluster Edition

Microsoft will deliver its Windows Server 2003, Compute Cluster Edition, for high-performance grid computing in two pieces to offer customers maximum flexibility in deployment, a senior Microsoft product manager says.

Spyware, Meet CounterSpy 1.5

Tampa Bay, Fla.-based Sunbelt Software released version 1.5 of its CounterSpy Enterprise anti-spyware detection and removal tool.

St. Bernard Takes a Bite Out of Spyware

San Diego-based St. Bernard Software announced it is shipping of SpyExpert, a standalone anti-spyware software solution for small-to-medium-sized businesses.

Titus Labs Updates E-mail Rights Management Tool

Titus Labs began shipping MessageRights version 2.5, which adds features that make it easier to deploy and use Microsoft’s Windows Rights Management Services.

Microsoft Releases 10 Security Bulletins

Microsoft's monthly bundle of patches for June is one of the biggest since the company switched to a monthly patching cycle, and it brings fixes for 12 vulnerabilities, including three critical issues.

EC-Ordered Edition of Windows XP to Debut this Month

The versions of Windows XP stripped of Windows Media Player to comply with a European Commission order will start shipping this month, Microsoft said this week.

Exchange SP2 to Bring a Mobility Boost

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Microsoft this week announced an extension for its mobile platform that will more tightly integrate with Exchange Server 2003, adding new features and beefing up security for mobile devices.

Yukon, Whidbey to Launch in November

ORLANDO, Fla. -- SQL Server 2005, Visual Studio 2005 and BizTalk Server 2006 will launch the week of Nov. 7, Microsoft senior vice president Paul Flessner said Tuesday.

Windows Server Update Services Generally Available

Microsoft on Monday began shipping Windows Server Update Services, its second-generation technology for patching systems in medium-sized organizations and enterprises.

Office Communicator Released to Manufacturing

Microsoft on Wednesday released to manufacturing its Microsoft Office Communicator 2005, the real-time communications client formerly known by the code-name "Istanbul."

Patching Made Simple

Patching your servers is an art that takes time to master. Here's a paint-by-numbers kit to help you get started.

The Security Configuration Wizard

With Windows 2003 SP1, you get a single, authoritative source of lockdown settings you can deploy with a single stroke that are fully supported by Microsoft.

Enter the Longhorn PC

System requirements proving hard to nail down; breakthroughs for some scenarios.

Longhorn: Big Hat, No Cattle?

Microsoft is battling the perception that there's little to get excited about in the long-awaited and much-ballyhooed Longhorn.