Solution Providers

Critical Security Patch for IE Pulled, Reposted

A problem in Microsoft's process for posting patches to the Microsoft Download Center during the August patch day on Tuesday caused users attempting to pull down a critical cumulative patch for Internet Explorer to receive a corrupted file.

Jet Blue Picks SOA for New Architecture

Earlier this week Santa Monica, Calif.-based SOA Software, provider of Web services management tools and a Microsoft Certified Gold ISV partner, announced that Jet Blue Airways has incorporated its Service Manager product into the company's Web services architecture.

Patch Tuesday Brings 6 Bulletins, 3 are Critical

Microsoft released six security bulletins on Patch Tuesday, including three bulletins rated "critical." All six bulletins involved Windows, and one of the bulletins also involved Internet Explorer.

Centrify to Ship Updated Active Directory Suite

Centrify will begin shipping on Monday version 2.0 of its flagship product DirectControl Suite 2.0 for integrating non-Microsoft systems into Active Directory.

Internet Explorer Gets First Look-and-Feel Overhaul in Years

Internet Explorer 7 got its first facelift in years when Microsoft delivered twin betas of the Web browser this summer -- one in the Windows Vista beta and a technical beta for Windows XP Service Pack 2.

Private Beta of Longhorn Server Focused on Fundamentals

Microsoft put out a private beta of Windows Longhorn Server at the same time as the Windows Vista Beta 1 release. But don't worry if you're not among the 5,000 hardware and software industry insiders graced with the server code. You're not missing much yet.

MCDST Title Hits Milestone

Microsoft sees desktop tech cert catching on, with the company issuing more than 8,000 Microsoft Certified Desktop Technician titles as of June this year.

Hackers Thwart Genuine Advantage

Even as Microsoft unveiled the new, mandatory Genuine Advantage 1.0 last week, hackers were prepared to show anyone who wants to bypass the anti-counterfeit device exactly how to do so.

Windows XP SP2 Penetration Hits 60 Percent

The percentage of the Windows XP installed base protected by the firewall, Automatic Updates, virus subscription warnings, rewritten code and other baseline security measures in Service Pack 2 keeps inching up.

Windows Vista Beta Begins

Right on schedule, Microsoft released the first beta test version of the newly-renamed Windows Vista on Wednesday. Also sent Longhorn Server beta to separate group of testers.

Spending Big Bucks for NT Patches? Shavlik Can Help You Scan

Shavlik Technologies is going public with a very high-end patch management offering for the most select of Windows customers -- those who have already shelled out a reputed $200,000 or more to Microsoft for a Custom Support Agreement for Windows NT 4.0.

Shavlik Adding Anti-Spyware to Portfolio

Patch management vendor Shavlik Technologies is branching out into enterprise anti-spyware software as a first step toward a broader enterprise security product suite.

Microsoft Adds Partner Competencies, Improves Partnering Tools

Additional competencies include those for solution providers mobility experts; partnering tools improvements include vastly streamlined registration process.

Growing and Prospering with Customers

By becoming trusted technology advisors, Microsoft Partners can thrive as their customers prosper.

Selling Microsoft's Security Story

The Trustworthy Computing initiative has brought significant improvements to some of Microsoft's technologies. Be sure you're taking advantage of them.