Solution Providers

Microsoft To Issue 7 Patches This Month

Redmond projects a rollout of seven fixes, with three rated critical, three important and one moderate.

Report: Cyberspace Becoming More Malicious

Online security company MessageLabs found that more than three-quarters of the e-mail messages it scanned in May were spam, an increase of 3.3 percent over the previous month, said Mark Sunner, MessageLabs' chief security analyst.

Sun Web Server Hit with Multiple Security Vulnerabilities

A security research firm has found multiple flaws in Web server software from Sun Microsystems that would collectively allow attackers to log on, gain root access, peruse and delete files, and execute malicious commands.

Microsoft Starts Global Rollout of Retail Consumer Web Sites

Microsoft Corp. is now selling its wares directly to consumers.

Report: Microsoft Considering Rebranding 'Live' Offerings

A Microsoft executive said today that Microsoft may be considering rebranding its Live search engine brand.

Threats to Office's Dominance Multiply with New Offerings from Adobe, IBM

Paying for word processing software may soon be a thing of past if Microsoft competitors Adobe, Google and IBM have any say.

'Whaling' Scam Targets Execs Via Tax Court Ruse

A new whaling scam -- that's a phishing scam that targets big game -- using a supposed U.S. Tax Court notification as bait has reeled in about 600 victims so far, according to Internet security firm SecureWorks.

Survey: Insider Theft Tops CIO Worry List

A majority of North American IT chiefs view theft from within as a much greater threat than theft from without, according to a new survey from Secure Computing Corp., an enterprise gateway security provider.

P2P Breach Leads to Walter Reed Data Leak

An investigation launched Tuesday into the possible compromise of about 1,000 patient records at Walter Reed Army Medical Center serves as a stern reminder of how dangerous peer-to-peer and other social networking applications can be, security experts warn.

XP, Vista Vulnerability Triggered by Safari Browser

Microsoft continued to investigate what it called public reports of a remote code execution threat for XP and Vista when Apple's Safari Web browser is installed.

MySQL Gives .NET High Five

There was a lot of head scratching at this year's MySQL Conference and Expo when Microsoft was singled out for its contributions to open source development.

Phishers Targeting Your Tax Dollars

A new phishing scam is targeting debit-card accounts used to deliver government benefits payments in 15 states.

SharePoint Joins the Microsoft Pantheon

SharePoint's sales now put it alongside Office and Windows in any discussion having to do with Microsoft's technology and sales successes.

Reading the Tea Leaves on 'Windows 7'

What we know -- so far -- about the next version of the Windows client.

EMC Tangos with Conchango

The storage giant's acquisition of the British consulting firm provides a stepping stone for expansion in the United Kingdom and beyond.