We dodged a bullet last month -- the discovery of a fundamental flaw in the Domain Name System, Dan Kaminsky told a standing-room only (and some sitting on the floor) crowd at the Black Hat Briefings Wednesday.
- By William Jackson
- August 07, 2008
Microsoft is initiating a new security notification approach, the company announced on Tuesday at the Black Hat security conference.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- August 06, 2008
The Black Hat Briefings return to Caesars Palace this week with a new batch of hands-on security research for a crowd of 4,000 IT administrators, hackers, industry experts and government officials.
- By William Jackson
- August 06, 2008
On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Justice charged 11 hackers with allegedly hitting the computer records of as many as nine major retail companies and selling more than 40 million credit and debit card numbers.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- August 06, 2008
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. -- IBM made several announcements Tuesday at the annual LinuxWorld conference, introducing a new series of products, services and initiatives that the company says will "further expand IBM's commitment to Linux and open source by enabling the next generation of Linux."
- By John K. Waters
- August 06, 2008
Microsoft has released SQL Server 2008 to manufacturing and, as an evaluation edition, to subscribers of its Microsoft Development Network and TechNet services
- By Joab Jackson
- August 06, 2008
Open source software topped the list of business "risk factors" outlined in Microsoft's annual 10-K report to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
- By Kurt Mackie
- August 05, 2008
In a move clearly designed to strengthen its position in this segment, VMware has announced a new initiative dubbed the System Builder Program
- By Tom Valovic
- August 05, 2008
IBM Corp. late last week touted the construction of two additional cloud computing datacenters -- an investment of $360 million -- which let it address what officials call "surging" demand for cloud computing resources.
- By Stephen Swoyer
- August 05, 2008
Microsoft ratcheted up its PR and client communications efforts to demonstrate that it's serious about security.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- August 05, 2008
IBM and name-brand Linux operating system distributors Red Hat, Novell and Canonical/Ubuntu have disclosed their intentions to join forces with their hardware partners to create what they are calling "Microsoft-free personal computing choices."
- By John K. Waters
- August 05, 2008
Software vulnerabilities are up this year, especially Web browser-based ones, according to a new report from IBM Internet Security Systems.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- August 04, 2008
Microsoft's software and services combo takes a running start at competitors with "deskless" versions of its Office tools.
- By Scott Bekker
- August 01, 2008
Next week at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, security researcher Joanna Rutkowska promises to demonstrate how a malicious attacker, working remotely, could take control of the open-source Xen virtualization software.
- By Joab Jackson
- August 01, 2008
Hosting partners live on the edge as Microsoft plays in their cloud.
- By Paul DeGroot
- August 01, 2008