Solution Providers

Office, Exchange '15' Coming Early 2013, According To Leaked Roadmap

A few clues about Microsoft's product roadmap for this year and the next were unearthed recently.

Microsoft, OnLive Resolve Remote Desktop Spat

The fight between Microsoft and OnLive over how the cloud gaming company was licensing Windows 7 to provide virtual desktop infrastructure services seems to be over.

Vista Mainstream Support Ends; XP, Office 2003 Support Near Milestones

Mainstream support for Windows Vista ends Tuesday, according to Microsoft's Vista lifecycle chart.

Dynamics CRM: How Microsoft Is Stepping Up to

Microsoft may be an underdog in the crowded CRM software field, but with a new GM in the Dynamics CRM business, the company seems poised to take on Oracle, SAP and CRM giant

Microsoft Expands Windows Azure Coverage to U.S. East and West

Windows Azure, Microsoft's Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud-based operating system, now has datacenters servicing both U.S. East and West regions, Microsoft announced last week.

Analysis: What's Behind Dell's Wyse Acquisition?

Dell raised a few questions among virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) analysts this week with its announcement that it plans to acquire Wyse Technology.

Microsoft Releases Betas of Two MDOP Virtualization Tools

Microsoft on Wednesday released the beta versions of two virtualization tools that will become part of its Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) suite.

Cloud Pricing: Amazon, Google and Microsoft Race to the Bottom

As cloud computing gets more competitive, market leaders and newcomers will continue to push pricing downward.

Memo to Microsoft: Allow a Cleaner Hosted Desktop

An important licensing battle between Microsoft and gaming company OnLive over an app that gives users remote access to a Windows 7 desktop exposes a fault line running through Microsoft's products, business models and its hosting partners.

SQL Server 2012 Hits General Availability

SQL Server 2012 is now generally available, which means it's a purchasable final product, Microsoft announced on Monday.

Rumor: Windows 8 To Hit RC in June, Lack 'Start' Button

More expected dates for Windows 8's release cycle were leaked on Friday by financial news Web site

Report: 'Wintel' PCs To Lose Ground in Mobile-Device Era

Shipments of Wintel PCs will experience a marked slowdown through 2016, according to the latest research projections by IDC.

Study: Office 365 Savings Stop at Enterprise-Grade Deployments

A study commissioned by Azaleos Corp., a Microsoft National Systems Integrator (NSI) partner, has found that Microsoft's public cloud Office 365 offerings are not always cheaper than other Microsoft-stack approaches.

A Cloud Real Estate Rush Is On for SMBs

WEB EXCLUSIVE: A Microsoft-sponsored survey of 3,000 companies shows that despite the threats of outages and security breaches, businesses are getting more comfortable with the idea of putting their data on the cloud.

Microsoft Enables Windows 8 Beta on Windows Home Server

Windows Home Server (WHS) users can connect with the Windows 8 "consumer preview" beta, Microsoft said this week -- with a few conditions.