Sales and Marketing

4 Steps to Better Cloud Sales

Simply put, if you create a cool product and want to deliver it via the cloud, you need to create your own channel.

Growing Your Company: The Power of Net-New

Partners who focus on net-new clients will see growth; but you'll need focus and correct execution to really pull out a win.

Get Comfortable with the Cloud

Relax, there's a future with Microsoft in the cloud, channel chief Allison Watson plans to tell partners at this month's WPC. That's not to say it won't take hard work to get there. Watson and pioneering partners share their flight path to profits.

How Much Company Can I Afford To Buy?

The IT M&A market is heating up -- here's the questions you need to answer to be ready for your next possible acquisition.

OEM Chief Makes the Case for Microsoft

Guggenheimer explains why Microsoft still matters in a digital near-future that isn't necessarily PC-centric.

RIM Atop The Smartphone Heap

The Blackberry maker so far has maintained its lead in the smartphone segment, but Apple and Google present worthwhile challenges that keep RIM working harder to stay at the top.

Compensation in the Clouds

Once you're clear on strategic objectives, you can begin to build a sales compensation plan for your BPOS practice.

Microsoft Releases Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint

Microsoft has released Forefront Protection 2010 for SharePoint, which provides protection against viruses and spyware being spread through shared files.

3 Movies To Inspire Your Sales Approach

While traveling recently, I had an epiphany. If we want to move our businesses forward, we first must move ourselves forward.

Reaching for the Cloud

As hosting providers are squeezed, could Microsoft cloud services offer a safe haven?

Microsoft Partners, Meet the NSIs

National Systems Integrators are the rock stars of the U.S. Microsoft Partner Community. Is it a designation worth aspiring to?

Microsoft and Mobile Apps

When a lot of innovative and hungry people gather in one place, the results can be explosive. That's what is taking place in the mobile segment, and Microsoft is just getting started.

Office 2010: Productivity Play

When Microsoft Office 2010 ships this month, the suite faces its most serious challenge yet from lower-cost alternatives. Here are nine reasons why Redmond's newest version still promises to be a boon to partners.

With Vendors, Fertilize, Water and Weed

My theme for the last several months was how you can differentiate your firm from the masses of other resellers in the world.

No Quick Bounceback in SMB Spending

If you're finding that technology sales out there in small to midsize business (SMB) land are tough to come by, you're not alone.