
Microsoft to Give Customers a Break on Dual-Core Licensing

With the expected arrival of dual-core processors from both Intel and AMD next year, Microsoft faced a licensing dilemma -- do right by customers by charging for only the physical processors or do right by investors by wringing maximum profit from each core on the processor.

SQL Server 2005 Beta 3 Coming Later, Interim Preview Code Available

Microsoft released a technical preview of its upcoming SQL Server 2005 database on Friday at the same time as the company adjusted its timetable for delivering the next major beta, and possibly, the long-delayed product itself.

Microsoft, Cisco Team on Network Access Protections

New integrated approach will cause quarantining technology to be delayed from the Windows Server 2003 "R2" release to the Windows "Longhorn" Server release.

Gates Q&A Appears to Leave WinFS Fate Open

In a Q&A session this month, Microsoft's chairman and chief software architect talked briefly about the next version of Windows, code-named "Longhorn," and seemed to be describing the WinFS technologies that are supposed to have been cut.

ProClarity Expands Beyond SQL Server Data Sources

For much of its existence Boise, Idaho-based ProClarity has built its analytic technology stack almost entirely on top of Microsoft’s SQL Server 2000 database. That changed late last month when ProClarity announced a new version 6.0 release of its ProClarity Analytics platform.

Quest Updates Exchange Reporting Tool

Quest Software this week released a new version of its usage reporting and analysis tool for Microsoft Exchange.

Microsoft Releases 10 Security Bulletins

In one of its biggest monthly "Patch Tuesday" events yet, Microsoft posted 10 new security bulletins, seven of them for critical flaws that could allow attackers to remotely take control of a computer.

The Windows "Longhorn" Roadmap

Some notable milestones in the Longhorn delivery schedule and Microsoft's dates for future deliverables.

Big Ideas on the Longhorn Trail

Windows Longhorn is becoming less a code-name for an operating system than it is a code-name for a family of major technology projects that are becoming less and less coupled to the next version of Windows.

Longhorn Resources

A collection of links to resources about Microsoft's Windows "Longhorn" project.

How Much Will Longhorn Matter?

Windows "Longhorn" took a serious blow to its coolness quotient a month ago when it got a hard ship date and a serious loss of exclusive features. Suddenly, many of the big ideas in this operating system are either separated from the OS or will be available in older versions of Windows.

Executive Stakes in Longhorn

The roles of a handful of top executives in shaping the Windows "Longhorn" project so far have come to light.

SANS Posts Top 20 Vulnerabilities List

The SANS Institute on Friday unveiled its fifth annual list of the most commonly exploited vulnerable services in Windows, Unix and Linux systems. For Windows-based systems, Web servers and services topped the list as the biggest vulnerability.

Security Firm Finds Program to Create JPEGs Exploiting Microsoft Flaw

Panda Software reported finding a tool on black hat hacker sites that can be used to create files in the JPEG image format that exploit the vulnerability in Microsoft's JPEG processing component.

Opinion: Upcoming Service Pack Doesn't Change Much -- And That's Good

All the emphasis right now is on Windows XP SP2 -- and rightly so. But there's another Windows service pack just around the bend, and if early indications are accurate, Windows Server 2003 SP1 shows how far Microsoft has come in terms of OS security.

Microsoft Licenses Exchange Sync Technology to Palm OS Smartphone Maker

Treo, a maker of Palm OS-based smartphones, entered a licensing agreement with Microsoft to allow the next generation of its phones to link up with the ActiveSync technology in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.

Allen's SpaceShipOne Wins X Prize

A ship sponsored by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, SpaceShipOne, won the $10 million Ansari X Prize on Monday as the first privately built craft to fly into suborbital space two times in two weeks.

Windows XP SP2 Installs Grinding Along

Microsoft is ratcheting up its Windows XP Service Pack 2 distributions as the company seeks to meet an internal goal of getting the critical security update out to about 40 percent of its Windows XP installed base within two months of SP2's release.

Windows Small Business Server 2003 Outpaces SBS 2000 Sales

At the one-year anniversary of the release of Windows Small Business Server 2003, the packaged server for small business is outpacing sales of the previous version of the product, according to Microsoft.

Microsoft Solomon 6.0 Released

Microsoft is releasing an update of its enterprise resource planning package for midsize project-, service- and distribution-oriented organizations this month.