In-Depth Features

What's the Problem?

Our experts troubleshoot your technical problems.

Peers Helping Peers

We solicited readers to provide us with their technical problems, and we were inundated with letters. Here are some of the more provocative problems that we put to you—the readers—to solve.

Balancing Act

Component Load Balancing, a feature of Application Center 2000 that works in the middle tier, can help your Web and other applications scale out in a new way.

After the Crash

It’s not a matter of “if,” but “when,” your system turns that particular shade of blue that makes administrators see red. That’s when you’ll need to know what your options are to bring the dead box back to life.

Help for the Help Desk

Keep track of support requests with one of these packages.

Vol 1-8: Small Business Best Practices

Here Comes IBM Big Time in SMB!

License, Please

Staying on top of your organization’s software licenses will keep you gainfully employed and out of court.

The Xbox Files

Is Microsoft's wonder toy the next step in the evolution of the PC?

Remote Operator

Windows 2000 offers a number of ways to manage your servers and user applications when you aren’t, or can’t be, physically present. Come along for a guided tour, including a peek into the .NET future.

Smart Software Distribution

SMS packages are notorious bandwidth hogs. This unique four-step method overcomes the main drawbacks you face in using SMS for software distribution.

MetaFrame: Enterprise-Class Remote Administration

If Windows 2000 doesn't scale well enough for your enterprise, consider solutions from the company that originated multi-user Windows technology.

Server Management in Your Pocket

Three tools extend remote administration to the PocketPC.

Canaveral iQ: Low-Cost Solution

Just need a few redundant servers, some shared apps and a quick, inexpensive setup? Check out New Moon Systems.

Small Business Best Practices Volume 1, Issue 7

A third-party newsletter featuring small business networking news on Microsoft Small Business Server, bCentral and Windows XP peer-to-peer solutions.

BIND Your Windows 2000 DNS

Although BIND is still the DNS champ, Windows 2000 DNS is becoming more popular. But what do you do when you need to have both on your network? An interop pro shares how to make it happen—step by step.

I’m Worth More Than This!

What to do when you hear others earn more than you.

Keeping Exchange Running

Manage, monitor, and more—for a price

The Next 10 Years

Just what does the ol' crystal ball say about the next decade?

A Decade of Certification

Microsoft’s MCP program turns 10 this spring and, my, how it’s grown!

88 High-Voltage Tips

Become the network master of all your domains. This ultimate guide spells out new, smart ways to upgrade systems, set up services, monitor traffic, install applications and more—better, faster, cheaper.