In-Depth Features

Channeling Power: Women Band Together in the Microsoft Partner Ecosystem

By banding together, women IT executives hope to drive new opportunities for themselves, the next generation-and the entire partner community.

Piecing Together Your Virtualization Model

Rapid growth in virtual technology means partners with the right business plan can reap serious profits.

Oracle Expands SMB Reseller Program

Additional products become available for 1,000 resellers in Oracle's VAD Remarketer Program.

A Peek Inside the Web's Underground Economy

New research sheds light on how bank-account credentials, credit-card numbers and other illicit goods are sold in a paranoid online black market.

Robobak Speeds Its Exchange Backup Capabilities

Channel-focused company looking for resellers for its MSP and branch office-focused solution.

Windows Mobile: Call Waiting?

Developers ask if Windows Mobile is on hold.

Awash in Azure Ink

With Microsoft's new Web tier, some channel business models will win and others will lose.

How Will Barack Obama Change the Channel?

Barack Obama is set to become the 44th president of the United States. How should partners position themselves for the new administration's IT spending priorities?

A Tale of Two Partners

The collaboration between two Cincinnati partners brought them honors from Microsoft -- and a bumper crop of opportunities.

Marching Orders 2009

Thanks to the downturn, plenty of partners are entering the New Year wondering which way to go. In our third annual Marching Orders feature, RCP's experts offer advice to point you in the right direction.

SBS 2008: More Bang for the Buck

The newest version of Windows Small Business Server offers state-of-the-art upgrades and smaller management headaches at a better price.

Endangered, Not Extinct: Survival Tips for Partners in These Tough Economic Times

Even with the current threats to easy credit, Microsoft partners have resources to draw upon in the tough economic times ahead.

Landing New Business: S+S Incubation Centers Gives ISVs a First Step

Microsoft's Software plus Services Incubation Centers can help ISVs hook into SaaS opportunities by pairing them with experienced hosters.

Is It Time to Take Another Look at Symantec?

The Veritas acquisition caused some problems, but close partners say the security giant is back on its game.

The SharePoint Upgrade Trap

SharePoint 2007 migrations are simple enough, but beware of hidden dangers. Here's a look at some of the more common upgrade and migration problems.

Answering the Call

Office Communications Server 2007 R2 can help bridge the traditional gap between IT and telephony while offering rich new opportunities for partners from both camps.

Semantra 2.5 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Released

Product designed to make enterprise data accessible through simple searches.

Microsoft Opens up About Visual Studio Team System 2010

While the name is all Microsoft is revealing about the main VS suite, it's getting fairly detailed about Team System.

Pointing Prospects to Partners

Microsoft is testing a new online partner directory called Pinpoint. Partners like its looks so far, but are waiting to see how it performs in the one area that counts: generating leads.

Windows Gurus: May We Help You?

Microsoft has come up with a toolkit consisting of Windows Gurus and Windows store-within-a-store kiosks at major retail stores to boost the image of Windows Vista. Will the effort be enough?