In-Depth Features

Survey Says: Partners Matter to IT Pros

More than 2,300 customers responded to a Microsoft-sponsored survey identifying what solution provider characteristics matter most to them, and how and why they choose a partner.

2009: Good Riddance

It is customary to end a year by reflecting on positive moments. But by nearly all measures, 2009 was one of the worst business years on record since the Great Depression.

Microsoft, Partners Fumbling Toward Community

As part of the recent overhaul of its partner program, Microsoft made a big bet on leveraging existing social networks.

Q&A: Microsoft Distinguished Engineer Yousef Khalidi Discusses Private Cloud Migration

Yousef Khalidi talked about Microsoft's new Azure cloud services at the Interop trade show on Thursday.

Passing the IT Torch

Some of the IT industry's top innovators are within striking distance of retirement age. Here's a look at what that means for them, their companies and the channel.

5 Questions About the MSP Market

The essential questions partners have about the managed services market have some surprising answers. The upshot? It may still be a good time to become an MSP.

Racking up Online Deals

For Pelagic Solutions Inc., launching a business atop Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online leads to 78 deals in a year.

Managing the H1N1 Crisis

For partners, part of swine flu readiness is being able to provide best-in-class advice for customers.

Making the Most of BPOS

Chicago-based PointBridge sprinted out of the gate with the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite -- to the tune of $640,000 in revenues in one year. Co-founder Todd Golden tells RCP how PointBridge did it.

Making a Cloud Play

Wayne Beekman is maneuvering his business to catch the cloud. Should you be doing that too?

Getting Ready for Windows 7

Windows 7 launches this month, giving partners -- and Microsoft -- a subtle chance at a revenue boost. Partner-readiness resources abound.

The Allure of Azure

With a competitive pricing model established and different licensing options on the table, partners are starting to see how Microsoft's cloud-computing offering can drive new business.

From the MSPP to the MPN

Partners have 16 months to make the transition from the 6-year-old Microsoft Partner Program structure to the framework of the new Microsoft Partner Network.

Giving Customers What They Want

Partners who understand what customers are looking for (hint: not just low prices) are better equipped to find and keep them.

Can Dev Camps Give Windows Mobile A Boost?

Inaugural event in Redmond hopes to engage developers of mobile applications.

The Microsoft Partner Awards

With its choices of categories and countries from which winners come for its annual partner recognitions, Microsoft reveals its priorities and ambitions.

2009 RCP Salary Survey: Salaries in a Year of Recession

At a time of economic turmoil, RCP's third annual salary survey shows base pay for Microsoft partners is slightly higher than in 2008. But there are cracks around the foundation, as raises and bonuses will be harder to come by in the coming year.

Excuses to Tweet at Work

Even companies without a clear strategy for using micro-blogging to their advantage must monitor the ongoing "naked conversation" for complaining customers.

Picking a Partner

Microsoft makes the software, but channel partners sell and service it. Picking the right partner is critical for any Microsoft customer. Here's how to make the right choice.

Whither the PAM?

Cloud computing, the economy and partner program changes make the future role of Microsoft partner account managers uncertain.