
Behind the Curtain at Microsoft: Three Things You Should Know

Our former Microsoft field rep shares some insights about how Microsoft operates and what's behind the company's attitudes toward its partners and employees.

In Nadella's Microsoft, Uncertainty About Where Partners Fit

The new CEO's mantra of "mobile- and cloud-first" has some uncomfortable implications for partners -- one of them being the possibility of competition from Microsoft itself.

The New Microsoft Board: A Spectator's Guide

A few months into the new era in Redmond under CEO Satya Nadella, Microsoft's board could be gearing up for some serious conflict.

What Will Be the Straw that Breaks the Microsoft Channel's Back?

The next few months could prove to be the most trying for all but the largest of Microsoft's partners.

What Gaps Does Microsoft Want Partners To Fill?

Understanding Microsoft's scorecard system is one way to figure out what partner deals Microsoft's sales reps currently value the most.

The Death of Exchange Server 2003: What Will Take Its Place?

With Microsoft's aging e-mail server set to lose extended support on April 8, organizations have a host of options -- both on-premises and in the cloud -- to migrate to.

Microsoft's Communication Failure on Office 365 Payment Cuts

A little more warning would've been nice.

Partners: Keep Pace with Microsoft in 2014 with These Course Corrections

Microsoft has a history of changing tacks in its partner strategy, for good and sometimes for ill. Its partners should take care not to get left behind.

How To Motivate Microsoft To Close Your Opportunities

A quick primer on how Microsoft's field salespeople are compensated -- and how you can make that knowledge work for you as a partner.

SharePoint's Path to the Cloud Is Not a Straight Shot

Few dispute that SharePoint in the cloud is the future. The challenge for partners and customers is determining the best path to get there.

Smarter Salespeople Use Maps

All successful salespeople are socially well connected within their communities.

34 Billion Reasons Microsoft's Next CEO Will Stay the Course

It doesn't matter who succeeds Steve Ballmer; Microsoft has thrown too much money at his "Devices and Services" vision to abandon it with the changing of the guard.

CEOs: Have a Succession Plan Ready

A business leader's legacy is more than just the state of the company when they leave -- it's also how well the stage has been set for the company to succeed in the future.

One-on-One with Microsoft's New U.S. SMS&P Chief

Meet David Willis, who in the wake of the recent partner executive reshuffling now runs Microsoft's U.S. Small and Midmarket Solutions & Partners organization.

How Microsoft Missed the Cloud Forecast Under Ballmer

The outgoing Microsoft CEO gave his "all in" cloud mandate over three years ago, but entrenched players like Amazon Web Services and Google have left Microsoft fighting to secure a foothold for its own cloud services.

On the Theme of Executive Change in Microsoft

The upper levels of Microsoft's org chart have been a hive of activity in recent months, from CEO Steve Ballmer's retirement announcement to an executive shakeup in the channel group. RCP's October issue goes behind the changes -- what they are, and what they mean for partners.

How To Get Customer Leads from Microsoft

According to this former Microsoft field rep, there is no magical lead fountain -- getting leads from Microsoft is a multi-step process.

Getting Out of the CRM Trap

CRM applications promise a lot, but often fail to deliver. And that's a bad deal for sales managers.

Microsoft's Cloud Partners Face Hard Questions After PRISM Scandal

The recent revelations about the depth of the NSA's surveillance program are dragging old questions about cloud privacy back to the forefront.

IT Services and the Lie of 'Customer Satisfaction'

How do you differentiate yourself from the competition? If the answer is your "commitment to customer satisfaction," you'd better examine how truthful that is.