
Net Gains

Can a Web-only exam-prep product get you ready for the Windows 2000 tests? The answer here is "yes."

A Different Future

Fate always has its finger in our lives, doesn’t it?

Talkin' Turkey

Not much in the mood to be grateful this year, Auntie sounds off about things for which she’s not so thankful.

Missing Something?

By excluding Java Virtual Machine in Windows XP, Microsoft puts users in the middle of its playground war.

Windows Script Components, Part Deux

The wizard is great, but you'll have to dig deeper to reap all of WSC's rewards.

A Little Q&A

Exam 70-217 requires solid knowledge of Active Directory. Analyzing questions as well as answers (both right and wrong) can help prepare you for the task ahead.

FTP: Still Valuable After All These Years

File Transfer Protocol has been around a while, and it's still one of the most useful tools to have under your Windows 2000 belt.

The Yuck Factor

IT cop? South Carolina passed legislation that might add this role to your job description.

Narrowing the Chasm

Tying together technical knowledge and business know-how can reap rich rewards.

Active Directory Object Permissions 101

Understanding the ins and outs of AD and object permissions is no simple task, but your efforts can help avoid catastrophe.

A Universe of Answers

When you have a narrow, specific problem that needs troubleshooting, the Knowledge Base is the place to go.

Questioning Success, Part III

Exam 70-216 is a bear, thoroughly testing your knowledge of Windows 2000 networking services. Analyzing questions and answers can help you slay the beast.

A New Shade of Scripting

Say goodbye to the days of endless cutting and pasting and hello to the wonderful world of Windows Script Components.

Division of Labor

With server consolidation on the horizon, it's time—with Redmond's help—to break out of your mold and expand your skill set.

Top Third-Party Tools

Sysadmins can't live by Windows 2000 alone. Check out these handy antivirus protection and backup/restore programs that can help you get through the day.

Get Terminal Services Up and Running

When installing this service, there are myriad options available. Be sure you choose wisely.

Interviewing and Incentive Compensation

This month our career advisors write about topics that have been on their minds lately.

Peace Offering

Microsoft's new certification titles—a step in the right direction?

Class Theory

When it comes to Windows Script Components, it’s important to have a firm grasp of VBScript Classes, including when to use Public vs. Private properties.

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