
How Do You Rate?

Here's a balanced scorecard for your company's performance.

Partnering with Partners to Build Your Business

The channel is there to grow your business as well as ours.

Give Your Prospects Personas

How persona-based marketing can be used to full effect to aim your message at the right target.

Getting More out of Active Directory

Go ahead -- you can call 'em the "5 Golden Truths of Active Directory"

Watch Out, I'm a Partner Now

Now that anyone can register to become a Microsoft Partner, how does that affect the partner community?

The Opportunity Cost of the Microsoft Defense

A lesson can be learned from Microsoft's strategy to squeeze the competition out of markets until it's the only one left standing.

Business Wisdom from the Rainforest

The evolution of Microsoft partner businesses parallels the a walking tree in the Costa Rica rainforest.

You've Got Homework

Desmond's last column requests feedback from readers on some future story ideas.

Tips for Leading Prospects to Your Web Site

Follow these helpful tips to ensure your company's Web site sits at the top of prospective customers' search results.

Turning Freeloaders into Business Partners

Certified and Gold Certified Partners are still lacking in numbers.

The Essence of Training

Achieve success with your sales training program.

Win the Sales Race with Vertical Marketing

More than ever companies are turning to specialists for their technical solutions. Make sure you're one of them, and your customers know it.

Names for Longhorn Server

A comical take on what we might expect from Redmond when it releases its new server -- whenever that may be.

Let's Fix Licensing

We can sit back and wait for Microsoft to tackle this all-important issue, or we can propose our own solution.

On Being Partner-Centric

True partner-centric companies develop software with partner integration in mind.

The Time for Certification Is Now

What you can do to attain your chosen partnership level, and how Microsoft can help.

Readers Respond September 2005

Picking out must reads, partnering with others and award-winning tales.

Hiring Smart

Don't get stuck with an empty suit! Follow these five tips for finding the best sales fit for your company.

Crashing the Channel Party

Whether online or in person, Microsoft's partner program is always jumpin'.

Find and Exploit Your Differentiator

Want a competitive edge in the marketplace? Tap into that which makes you unique.