
It's Happening!

After many delays, Vista sees daylight. You can now get busy.

How Partners Working with SMBs Can Learn from Enterprise IT

Want to adapt enterprise best practices to run your small business? Here are five lessons for doing so.

What I Learned at MS101 for Partners

At MS101, partners get a glimpse behind the Redmond curtain.

Sales Management: How Do You Stack Up?

Use this handy scorecard to gauge your sales effort at year end.

Agility Is for Managers, Too

Is there a better way to to deliver a working product on schedule and under budget? A review of Mike Cohen's "Agile Estimating and Planning."

Microsoft's Stealth Price Hike

Microsoft helps its quarter but hurts its customers by holding back details on price hikes -- more than quadruple on some products -- during the all-important October budget season.

Your Most Important Sales Investment: Yourself

A few simple tricks for staying ahead in the selling game.

Life as a Small Fish in Microsoft's Big Pond

Microsoft offers tools but not much help for smaller partners -- it's up to you to work up your strategy and deploy those tools to meet your goals.

Quotes that Define Marketing

What's marketing? Here's how the pros define that job role.

Profitability, Skills Shortage, Solution Finder, More

The Worldwide Partner Group gears up to offer partners a slew of services to help their customers get ready for Windows Vista and Office 2007.

Profiting from Microsoft's Profitability

Microsoft's goals are to make partners profitable. How do you intend to make sure it meets that goal?

Found: The Missing Manual

A review of Lars Powers and Michael Snell's "Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Unleashed."

Protect and Optimize Exchange Environments

Paying close attention to the particulars of your e-mail boundary can save you a lot of security grief.

Build Your Business for Less Through Marketing

What's a more cost-effective way of making a sale? Saving the one-to-one approach until the end.

Partners: The New Distribution Vehicle

Microsoft's partner program, now 380,000 companies strong, might have more to do with the company's success than even Microsoft initially imagined.

MSPP Web Site Gets a Facelift

For a once-drab site, a little polish goes a long way.

The 10 Traits Buyers Seek in Sales Superstars

Selling yourself is the first step.

Protecting Information Beyond Perimeter Defenses

Bluetooth, WiFi, Blackberrys, USB flash drives ... the IT landscape continues to expand beyond traditional servers and desktops, and so should your diligence to maintain security "out there."

Bringing Live to Life for Partners

How will Windows Live translate to new business for partners? We'll have to wait for an answer.

Microsoft's Hard Edge

There's a new tone in the Partner Program.