
Leveraging Partnerships to Improve Sales

Partnering up with other partners can only help you provide a better level of service to current and potential customers.

VoIP: Bend Boundaries, Save Money

VoIP can empower clients to overcome the constraints of time and location, allowing customers to stay in touch.

Add Vendor Relationships to Your Mid-Year Review

Tight Relationships Require Trust

What would partnering look like if you had all the money, hardware and people you could imagine to throw into your relationship with Microsoft?

Portfolio of Pieces

The benefits of modular design.


How to head off performance bottlenecks.

Making the Most of Your Marketing Budget

Focus your marketing dollars in these two areas -- Web sites/search and database-driven marketing -- and the sales and leads will follow.

Training at Your Fingertips

Put a face to your training technology and save resources.

A Disambiguation Page for 'Microsoft Services'

Herewith, a guide to the many services that partners can take advantage of, as defined within the Microsoft parlance.

Microsoft Faces Reality About the Future of Computing

Will the desktop computing model last into the next decade? Microsoft thinks so, yet it's begun to prepare for a future where desktops reign no longer.

Microsoft's Business Intelligence Challenge

Dynamics partners can play a role in shifting Microsoft's BI strategy from tools to applications.

Continuous Team Builds

Microsoft is taking on Continuous Integration -- should you?

Are You on Target?

Conduct strategic business planning and ask key questions -- especially if your company is missing its year-end goals.

Microsoft, Services and Partners: Survival of the Fittest

Partners need to be nimble when Redmond ventures into new territories, but they also have to wait.

Getting a Handle on Peer-to-Peer Applications

Watch out for security pitfalls, such as increasingly popular instant messaging apps.

Ambiguous Adventure: Microsoft and Managed Services

Whether or not partners will be part of Redmond's latest foray remains to be seen.

Best Practices for Dev Outsourcing

Some useful guidelines for choosing the the right IT partner.

Small Business Equals Big Sales Revenue

Partners can get seen in the small business space through some basic marketing moves.

All Dressed Up and Nowhere To Go

Take steps ahead of time to ensure a successful Microsoft partnership on products that will succeed.

Are Too Many Partners Striking Gold?

Questions loom as Microsoft hints at changes to Partner Program.