
There Will Be Conflict

In a mirror of the hot political debates, Microsoft struggles to drive home distinct messages to customers and partners, employees and investors.

Record and Replay

Black box software promises a quicker fix.

A Marriage Made in the Midmarket

Essential Business Server makes its debut in the wake of the Windows 2008 launch wave. Watch the sales roll in.

Pushing Partners to Plan for Success

To break into the enterprise sales segment, you first have to prove to Microsoft that you have the right stuff.

Business-Continuity Planning: Myths and Mistakes

Now that you have a plan, it's time to make sure it works. Practice, in this case, makes perfect.


With research confirming the value of P2P activity, Microsoft focuses on ways to help its partners join forces with each other.

Best Practices to Secure Your Code

How to get your team to build secure software.

Dynamics Perspective

Is there an SAP market left for Dynamics?

Dell Goes Indirect

All eyes are on Round Rock as the computer seller changes direction and makes a visibly stronger channel play.

The Art of Discovery: Connecting the Dots

Salespeople can get to the basic questions just by pretending to see from the prospect's POV.

Defect Prevention

Use Automated Defect Prevention (ADP) as a software management strategy that increases application quality through process improvement.

11 Deals that Changed the Channel in 2007

Channel partners saw a lot of upheaval in 2007 among their big vendor partners. Here's a recap of the year's most significant deals.

Software as a Question Mark (Saa?)

The mystery is what how Microsoft plans to handle the online counterparts to its service offerings.

SAM and Core IO: A Dynamic Duo

Are you a bit fat in software and hardware assets? It's time to reassess your IT resources and Microsoft's Core IO can help streamline that process.

Web Parts and Portals

Jump-start your Web projects with MOSS 2007.

The Perfect Match: Make the Right Offer at the Right Time

Developing your relationship with clients before you even think of closing the deal.

Money, Politics & Technology

We can't say for certain if there's a correlation between the shaping of technology policy and contributions, but we can tell you how much Microsoft money is being funneled to politicos' coffers.

Microsoft, MCS and Partners: A Most Delicate Dance

Microsoft makes another run at bringing in new enterprise-grade integration business via its consulting force. Will it work this go-round?

Finding Top Talent

Strategies for recruiting good programmers.

The Channel and the Credit Crunch