
Meet the Contenders

A look at the Windows Phone 7 devices that Microsoft hopes to ride into the smartphone race.


Windows Phone 7 vs. iPhone: Microsoft Closes the Quality Gap

By Redmond Channel Partner magazine staff

WEB EXCLUSIVE: In the battle between Microsoft's underdog smartphone and the Apple juggernaut, the result is far from a knockout. Even iPhone lovers have to agree.

The Top 10 Microsoft Partner MVPs

By Redmond Channel Partner magazine staff

There are about 1,000 Microsoft partner MVPs worldwide. Here are 10 whose status as MVPs has been particularly key to their companies' success.

Inside MVP Nation: What MVPs Talk About when Microsoft Isn't Looking

By Rich Freeman

"Cloud" was king at the first annual MVP Nation conference, but this year's gathering of Microsoft MVPs covered other topics as well. This is RCP's report of those discussions, straight from the show floor.

SBS 2011 Review: A 'No Brainer' for Small Shops

By J. Peter Bruzzese

For shops of 25 to 75 seats with traditional IT requirements, the on-premises version of Microsoft Small Business Server still makes a lot of sense, and the new release contains a lot for partners and IT to like.

Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 Lineup: A Complete Guide to International Models

By Keith Ward

WEB EXCLUSIVE: While there are several Windows Phone 7 devices jockeying for position in the U.S. smartphone market, there are currently five that are also available internationally from LG, Samsung and HTC. Here's a breakdown of each.

Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 Lineup: A Complete Guide to U.S. Models

By Keith Ward

Microsoft has six horses in the U.S. smartphone race, from Samsung, HTC, LG and Dell. Here's a detailed roundup of all the devices Microsoft hopes will carry its Windows Phone 7 platform past the competition.