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Nokia: Yes, We'll Have a Windows Phone in the Fall

It's one thing for Microsoft's Andy Lees to say Nokia is coming out with a handset for Windows Phone "Mango" in the fall. We're sure the statement was vetted and all, but Lees works for Microsoft. Now we're getting confirmation, and context, from Nokia.

In a speech at a technology tradeshow in Singapore today, Nokia CEO Stephen Elop reaffirmed the Finnish company's direction -- an open question given the stock's recent hammering: "Our primary smartphone strategy is to focus on the Windows phone."

Then Elop went on to describe the Mango launch strategy. "I have increased confidence that we will launch our first device based on the Windows platform later this year and we will ship our product in volume in 2012," said Elop, according to an account of the speech reported by The Associated Press.

It's a step up from Elop's earlier assertion that he had a prototype Windows phone in his pocket. Not having devices in production for the Mango launch in the fall could dampen the possibility for a huge Mango launch, though.


Posted by Scott Bekker on June 21, 2011


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