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Check Out RCP's Platinum Partner Programs

Even for the most committed Microsoft partners, Microsoft's software is just a portion of the revenue equation.

Whenever Microsoft boasts about the opportunities for partners in the Microsoft ecosystem, it's never just about the Microsoft products. The pitch also includes all the margin partners can rack up reselling a whole solution with Microsoft software at its center. The solution could carry hardware in the form of PCs, laptops, servers, storage, printers and networking gear. There's additional software for security, backup and recovery, systems management or virtualization. Then, of course, there's the price tag for the services you render to stitch it all together.

So what vendors really go "better together," to use one of Microsoft's favorite marketing terms, with Microsoft solutions? To find out, we ran a survey in the fourth quarter of 2008, asking readers what vendors they represented in addition to Microsoft. We heard from about 500 of you.

In all, 15 partner programs qualified for the inaugural RCP Platinum Partner Program awards. Visit the RCP Platinum Partner Program section of the Web site to find out which vendors and partner programs sell better together with Microsoft-based solutions.

Posted by Scott Bekker on March 31, 2009
