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Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference Expected to Sell Out by Early June

Registration for the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in Denver in July is at 60 percent capacity and is expected to sell out by early June, Microsoft said today in an e-mail to partners. The company predicts it will have about 10,000 people altogether at the conference. Microsoft hasn't yet revealed how many partner registrations it will accept this year, although it will start a waiting list once the event is sold out. Partner attendance at the last WPC, held in Boston last July, was officially listed at 7,000 attendees.

This year's WPC promises to be another networking opportunity at Microsoft's biggest annual channel event. In addition, Microsoft is expected to reveal changes to the Microsoft Partner Program, shed further light on how partners fit into the Software Plus Services plans and give partners more detail on how to prepare for Windows Server 2008, formerly known as "Longhorn," and its associated wave of products.

The conference runs from July 10 through July 12, with a full day of preconference activities on July 9. Keep an eye out for the June issue of Redmond Channel Partner magazine, which will have a lot more detail about what to expect from the event.

Posted by Scott Bekker on May 17, 2007
